Trying to decide on therapy

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Trying to decide on therapy

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  • #39693

    Hello Bill. Congratulations on the successful resection and welcome to our site. Although, all agents have been used by our members or their loved ones either, as a single treatment, or in combination with one or the other, we have less postings re: adjuvant treatment with the mentioned agents. I am hoping for those who do or have completed the above protocol to come forward and share with you their experience.
    I don’t know how much information has been given to you by the physician regarding the SWOG approved clinical trial however; I wanted to share a link with you re: clinical trials.
    Additionally, we have much information in the clinical trials section of our website.
    Also, our Google function, lead by key words such as Xeloda, or Gemzar, etc. will take you to previous discussions regarding these specific agents.
    Good luck and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
    Best wishes,


    I am new to this discussion board. I was diagnosed with choloangiocarcinoma about 6 weeks ago. I had a resection of the common bile duct and gallbladder (EHCC). I have a T3N1 score. I have been given a recommendation for Gemzar/Cisplatin chemo and radiation with Xeloda and a recommendation for Gemzar/Xeloda chemo and radiation with Xeloda (SWOG Clinical Trial). I am interested in anyone’s experience with either of these protocols.


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