Trying to stay positive.

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    Thinking of you & hoping for GOOD news on Friday, Andie.

    Big hugs!!! Jx


    Thanks Jemima,

    I do have my Husband to talk to but as you know it’s not the same as your Mom. I am an only child but do have a close extended family. At the beginning of our journey we were told Dad only had months to live, the next day all the family were on my door step, so I know they are always there for me. I’m just scared to talk to someone as I feel once I start to the tears will keep flowing and never stop! plus I hate to be a burden. I’m the one that has researched CC and dealt with all the Doctors etc so I feel it’s my duty to stay strong for everyone.

    Our stories are so similar and looking back I can’t believe where the months have gone, it doesn’t seem 5 mins since Dad turned yellow in Feb, told he’d got a few months to live in March and then told he could have chemo in April along with his stent. So yes we have progressed, dad shouldn’t be here if we had listened to the first hospital.

    Thank you for your kind words, I hope your Mom is feeling well and that you all enjoy your holiday. Sending good luck for the Chemo too, fingers crossed my dad can start his in August too.

    Best wishes to you all


    Andie…….I also wish for good news coming your way on Friday. Hang in there.
    Best wishes,


    Hi Andie

    What a rough time you and your family are having. I am sorry that your Dad is having all these complications. I have been in the same place in terms of things not progressing. My Mum was diagnosed in Feb this year and will only start chemo the first week of August (I know that’s partly our decision but still only made a couple of weeks difference), but it’s 6 months ! However, looking back on it I guess we have done quite a lot (3 surgical opinions) and learned a lot during this time. I am sure that if you look back there has been been progress – it is just not always obvious at the time.
    I have always confided in my Mum about things but now I can’t either. Do you have any other friends or family who can help (apart from all of us on here of course), or who you can talk to ?
    As everyone says on here make sure that you look after yourself as well as your Mum and Dad.
    I am sending you hugs and positive thinking for Friday and hope that you get good news for your Dad. Keep us posted and know that we are always here for you.


    I’m finding it hard to stay positive at the moment. Dad doesn’t seem to be picking up from his stent replacement. He did pick up a bacterial infection which led to him being given IV antibiotics. These made him constipated and then the medication the doctors gave him for this effected his stomach due to his illestomy bag (we think they were too strong for dad). Dad has been scared to eat mainly due to worrying his stoma may become blocked but he has started to eat more today. He seems to have gone into a depression which is totally understandable, nothing has gone right for him and as he says we are no further forward than when he was diagnosed in April. He is desperate to start chemo but his bilirubin is still high (it was 310 last week) We are going to have blood took friday and on that result he will either have drain taken out (it is capped off at moment) or put back on and have a CT scan. The doctor last week said he couldn’t see why the stent shouldn’t work as the dye during the cholangiogram (sp) went round the bile ducts as it should.

    My Mom is falling to pieces as she finds it hard to cope, though she is doing a great job. It’s the first time he has ever been negative, saying he’d had enough now etc, so Mom has been upset by this. I feel torn and though when I’m with my parents I am postive I feel like I am falling apart inside. I am dreading going with my Dad Friday incase it is bad news.

    Sorry for the long post, I just feel a little lost and can’t confide in my best friend, my Mom, as i don’t want to worry her.

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