Trying to stay positive and discouraged my doctors

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Trying to stay positive and discouraged my doctors

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    Kate, didn’t receive anything … my email address is That will work. Looking forward to hearing from you.


    Thank you for your words of support and encouragement. We are hoping to get into Sloan next week and have seen Dr. Popa at Cornell/NY Presbyterian. He seems to be inoperable but hoping for alternatives. Jim, I sent you an email through this website to get more info on you and your case. I am not saying it to bother you just to let you know your email thru here may not be working. Thanks again for all the support and hoping to get things moving soon. My Dad’s attitude and outlook is much better than mine so for that I am grateful, I just want the ball to get rolling and see something happen!! I will post next week with an update.


    Kate, I assume you (your Dad) are in reasonable proximity to NYC. Have you seen Dr. Tomoaki Kato at NY Presbyterian? He performed a successful resection on me a little over two years ago and has a reputation for taking the most difficult cases that others deem inoperable. I can’t guarantee a miracle, but he is one of the very best in the world. There is complete contact information in the link below my name under “Hospitals”. I can promise that Dr. Kato will give you an honest assessment.

    Good luck.


    Hi Kate. Thanks for reposting this, I knew members would come through. Since I already answered this I just want to say that you are doing all the right things.
    Once you find the perfect fit (doctor) and a game plan is set in to place your fright will turn to fight! I think the part that is terrifying is that nothing is being done right now. I don’t understand that either and it would bug me! Praying for some answers for you and your dad, hang in, be strong and keep us posted.


    So sorry to hear that your dad has been diagnosed with CC. Welcome to the site that no one really wants to join, myself included. However now that you are here, you are not alone. You will find that everyone on this board is very caring and encouraging and helpful!

    My husband Tom was diagnosed at age 61, went through a successful resection in June 2008, did not have chemo or radiation. 18 months later he presented with Jaundice and a new tumor was discovered. That one was inoperable. After 4 different oponions we decided to go with radiation then chemo. He has an external drain which drains off the excess bile. His first onconologist told him he had 6 months and radiation and chemo would not help. I did not accept that and we moved forward. Since hearing those awful words in Nov ’09, my husband is still here some 20+ months later.

    It is a tough roller coaster ride for sure, but having a positive outlook, ensuring that your dad has a doctor that is well versed in CC, never taking ‘no’ for an answer, asking what else can we do/try is important. Do your research, learn as much as you can and just be there for your dad!

    You did not say how old your father is, or how his health is otherwise? It sounds like you are on the right track as far as other opinoins.

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer!

    Hugs and prayers coming your dad’s way from Wisconsin.


    There are so many stories on this board that are encouraging. Those are the ones I chose to tell my mom. I don’t tell her any of the negative stuff. Why? We can all only hope for the best. We too have never had any encouraging words from doctors. Where we go for our second opinions, the dr. tells us there is more we can do if this round of chemo isn’t working. My mom has felt down lately because she just doesn’t feel well and has not has a break from chemo every other week for the past 4 months. She has friends that have gone through rough cancer experiences and have pulled through. Talking to them have helped her a great deal, especially when she is feeling down. But there are success stories where tumors have been inoperable and people were given a six month period…those people are still around to talk about it 5 years later. Keep the positive vibe going. Hugs and prayers to you and your family.


    My dad was diagnosed with CC in January 2011 and is doing remarkably well considering. He started out in a local hospital and did chemo til June (gemzar and cisplatin). Since then he went to NYC to get a second opinion and look for other treatment options. He has been deemed inoperable and also not a candidate for chemoembolization. We are currently at a standstill and looking into clinical trials and any other options he may qualify for. We have been to Dr. Popa at Cornell and are now in the process of forwarding records to Sloan for yet another opinion. We want him to be here as long as possible and have a good quality of life and hoping for a miracle. It just seems the process in the medical field is less than encouraging and doesn’t truly help a patient. I can tell my Dad is feeling down and discouraged. I understand each person feels the same desperation and concern for their own family member but it does get truly frustrating. We will continue to move forward but at this point we need some encouragement. Thanks for listening!! Peace and healing to all of you.

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