Tumor shrinking

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    Kris…I have a friend with similar inclinations in picking as she calles it “bad boys.” She is very accomplished, bright, retired from a high powered career and yet she picks those kind of men who end up disappointing her. Go figure.
    But just recently she met a man whom she describes as a “nice man” and she seems to be enjoying his company. Wow…there is hope. Of course we are holding our breath.


    Kris, nothing is off topic. I went on a dating site just to lurk. OMG! Some old geezer in a wife beater undershirt, with hair coming out from his ears, a beard down to his naval, and eyebrows that needed an electric lawnmower was looking for a beautiful, intelligent woman!!! I almost took the bait except for that awful shirt!!! LOL


    That’s the one I would pick… the one “lurking”!! Maybe a stalker? Haven’t dated one of them in a while!!
    I have terrible taste in men… I think I need to have a friend fix me up! hehe
    I know it’s off topic, but time for some laughs.


    Kris….I recall one or two similar situations such as yours – it resolved with time. I expect the same for you. You are well on your way. And I can just see the next boyfriend lurking around the corner too.
    All my best wishes,


    I read somewhere that ‘chemo brain’ can last up to a year after receiving chemo.

    Sorry for the bad news about the bile ‘sac’.



    Hi Kris,

    Great news about your tumor shrinking! Hope they can get the fluid sac taken care of. You are so full of spirit, so keep on staying positive and I’ll continue to keep you in my prayers. Hugs, PeggyP


    He didn’t say that during my appt. But he did say as long as it wasn’t leaking and I wasn’t having fevers or pain he wanted to leave it alone. He just said why risk it leaking into my body. But I will ask (if I remember!!). Chemo brain is really horrible: I don’t remember anything anymore! I wonder how long I can use that since I haven’t had chemo in weeks??

    I do think it really has nothing to do with the cancer itself. It’s just a by-product of something blocking my bile duct. Could have been an elusive gall stone (they’ve looked and looked) or it could be from the small “tail” I had where there was a little bit of tumor near my bile duct at the beginning of all this. I thought it was gone since it isn’t mentioned in CT scans. I am sure going to ask him that when I see him!!



    Hi, kris,
    One more thing if I may,can you ask dr.Fong in your next visit this question?
    Is there any possibility that the biloma(the sack of bile ),if not treated,will help spread the cancer cells if it starts to leak or not..?
    Thanks and
    God bless.


    Hi, kris,
    One more thing if I may,can you ask dr.Fong in your next visit this question?
    Is there any possibility that the biloma(the sack of bile ),if not treated,will help spread the cancer cells if it starts to leak or not..?
    Thanks and
    God bless.


    Hi Kris,

    Thats great news on your shrinkage, love hearing that type of news!!!! Hoping for the good news to continue for you and looking forward to seeing more posts from you in this section!

    Best wishes,



    Thanks Lainy!! I needed the laugh! That cracked me up!!
    As for impatience: I used to be very impatient. My new “normal” is waiting, waiting, waiting.


    Hi Kris, I feel that if the ‘breakup’ was your choice then you also got rid of another unwanted sac! Sorry, my attempt at being funny. If things are not working right you have enough to deal with without the stress of an unhappy relationship. Who knows one of these visits to the Hospital you may run smack dab into a handsome Doctor! I think you should get a Tee Shirt that reads, ‘AVAILABLE’. Good luck on your’waiting’ game. I just said recently that CC is not for those who are impatient and certainly not for sissies! You are all the bravest people I have ever heard of. Withall that said, think I could replace Dr. Phil??? NOT! :P


    I went into the hospital the week before Thanksgiving with a fever of 103.8. They did xrays, ultrasounds, CT scans, and all they kept saying was I had fluid in my abdomen and the pump was likely infected. It would have to be removed. I kept saying that is not an option.
    After release, I find out it’s not just fluid in my abdomen. It’s a sack of fluid in my abdomen. Big difference.
    The sack was approx 8×5.7 on Dec. 5 and it’s 7.5×5 or so now. So it’s shrinking.
    Dr. Fong said one of the choices I have is to aspirate the sack, but he didn’t want to do that because it opens me up to more infections. And since I have so many of them already why tempt fate? And also if he puts a hole (no matter how small) if the duct gets blocked again and the fluid starts building up soon, it gives the fluid a chance of getting out into my abdomen. So… we wait!!
    Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement. I really need it right now since my boyfriend and I just broke up (my choice, but still hard) and my family lives so far away. I rely on friends and phone calls to keep my spirits up.


    Great news Kris!


    Kris, this is so so wonderful!!!!!!
    Sounds like the tumor has given up and backing off!

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