two months on, no plan but a plan of sorts

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion two months on, no plan but a plan of sorts

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    What an attitude! Go for it. Getting the right doctor is so crucial, after my Dad’s surgery our doctor mentioned that noone else in the hospital would have been so radical, but that the surgeon knew dad and took a risk and went for it!

    Your outlook is so inspiring. Best of luck to you x


    I love your title. I kind of feel the same way. No plan, but a plan of sorts. This cancer business is a real drag!! I’m glad you’re feeling well and your Drs are continuing to fight on! We’re all sending prayers and positive thoughts your way! Take care , Mary


    In the words of the Rolling Stones –

    You can’t always get what you want
    But if you try sometimes you might find
    You get what you need

    I am so glad to hear you are now getting what you need!!!


    Kris, I’m so glad you have an oncologist who will fight for you and be your advocate. It is so important to have a doctor who will look at you as a person and not as a disease.

    You go, girl. We’re all rooting for you.


    Hi Kris,

    Lainy is right and you are special! And I am glad to hear that your doctor is being as aggressive as she can be in fighting this. I hope the plan works well and Leroy takes a good kicking here!

    Best wishes



    Kris…First and fore most I want to say you ARE SPECIAL! You are so lucky to have such a wonderful Doctor in your corner. Just like you to end up with a “wild” tumor. Didn’t know they could take on one’s personality! Thanks for the update and you are really a super star. Better tell Leroy to stop messin around because you soon will be carrying more artillery.


    We met with my oncologist today. She is in discussions with Drs. in 3 different cities. 1 the cc specialist, 1 Swedens top gasto cancer guy and Swedens top gastro surgon. I feel special.

    I am now waiting on results from a scan that showed where my veins and arteries are so they can somehow overlap it with the pet scan to see if RFA is going ahead. If that is the case, they will get a tissue sample when they open me up for the procedure. If my tumor is typed “wild” (as opposed to mutated) I get a kinase inhibitor, most likely Erbitux. Not sure what Krase “wild” and “mutated” typing means though my doctor stressed that there wasnt a link to survival, merely treatment options. If I cant get RFA, we go back to how to find the tumor without opening me up which the surgeon really doesnt want to do just for a tissue sample and a looksy.

    My doctor was again impressed with how well I looked. She wanted to wait to start chemo again to see what the surgon said. She wants me fighting fit if I go under the knife. The chemo regime will either be based on FOLFOX with 5FU push or Gemzar and Oxilplatin or Xeloda, Gemzar and Oxilplatin. I responded the best on Xeloda and Oxilaplatin, but it was too toxic for me. Combining xeloda with gemzar means they can reduce the amount (and hopefully the toxicity) of xeloda.

    My doctor also stressed that WE are still very much “fighting” and that means that SHE is being as aggressive as she can be with the other doctors trying to get them to find a way for me to have surgery. She is fully aware that if people look at me on paper and not the energetic and strong me in person, that they may be temped to take a less aggressive approach. And to think this was the dr I didnt trust to do her best for me.


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