UK based with sister in USA

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! UK based with sister in USA

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    Welcome, Angela. I’m in the UK, too, & my sister has just finished her chemo for cc (although, as she’s staying with me for the time being, I don’t have the additional issue of distance that you’re having to cope with).

    I’m so glad your sister has a good support network & I hope you are managing to get information from your sister’s medical team, despite the distance.

    My best wishes to you both.


    Hi Angela,

    Welcome to the site although I am sorry that you have to be here. Please keep coming back as you will get a load of support from us all here. That must be tough having to deal with this away from your sister, but I am very glad to hear that you both have a positive attitude as that will carry you far when dealing with all of this. Did you manage to speak with your sisters oncologist today?

    My best wishes to you and your sister,



    Hello Angela and welcome to our FABULOUS FAMILY although sorry you had to find us. It must be very hard to feel helpful being across waters. You might want to read up as much as you can and also delve in to our past posts which you may find very helpful. There are some great posts on nutrition. Please keep us posted on your sister as we all care very much!


    Hello Angela…welcome to our special group of most extraordinary people. Your sisters positive attitude will be of great benefit with this disease. I support her wholeheartedly.
    Angela, you might want to start a blog for your sister as links easily become lost in the threads. A blog would assure us to follow up and join in the efforts made on her behalf.
    Please, let us know whether you need help with establishing a blog. Rick gladly will help you along.
    Best wishes,


    Hi Angela,

    I have sent you a message, I know just what you are going through…



    Welcome Angela!

    I’m sorry you had to find us but I’m glad you did!

    One of the things my Mom took during her fight with CC was a drug called Megace. It is an appetite enhancer and worked wonders for her.

    Hope you’ve gotten to speak with the Oncologist by now! Take care and know we are all here for you!



    My 52 yr old sister has just begun 18 wks of chemo for stage 3 CC in Virginia. I’m in the UK so am really glad to have found this site. She has a wonderful network of supporting friends over there who are taking care of everything so she can concentrate on resting up and eating! My main concern is she is so thin and I’m worried about the chemo taking its toll. She is very positive (me too tho I may not sound it here). Have been trying to speak to her oncologist but no success yet; maybe today…

    Are we allowed to advertise links here? Website in USA is and my Facebook group is FriendsForLina , Twitter too.

    Thanks for reading :-)

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