UK support group?

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    Dear Sandie, your fabulous cheering section is already in place and ready to wail! You bet Miracles happen and I have seen some here! Wishing you the very best and can’t wait to hear about your meeting in October. Have all the moments you want be they blonde, red or brown. Heck, I will throw myself in there too,,,,Silver.


    Thank you special friends for your hugs, support and love, soooo much appreciated. Scans and tests to follow, seeing my new super amazing prof again on the 15th October when decisions will be made … or not … hopefully lots of prayers and love will shrink tumours into insignificance. Miracles do happen … I know they can, I’m still here so … BECAUSE I CAN. Super positive, still giggling and still having loveable blonde moments xxxx


    Fingers crossed here for some good news for you too Sandie!


    Good luck Sandie.


    Hi Sandie, you move around, girl. I have everything crossed for tomorrow and hope you love your new ONC! Please let us know what happens.


    Sandie….we are right with you; can you feel it?


    Sandie, praying for a positive meeting tomorrow!


    Marion … I’m now permanently in the UK and seeing a prof of onc tomorrow in Manchester (I’m praying for good news).


    The more the merrier indeed Sandie! :)


    Sandie….are you back in the UK?


    Hi Jules

    I’m happy to join any support group in the uk … the more the merrier.



    Hi Jules,

    Yep I sure know what that rushing around is like between appointments, we can all relate to that! And for sure, your mums health is definitely the priority right now for you. I hope that you are able to take some time for yourself as well though as your health is important also.

    I had a good look around and couldn’t find any other purely CC related face to face support groups unfortunately. I also got in touch with Helen from AMMF and she didn’t know of any others in the UK outside of the Aintree group. She said she would let me know if she heard of any that would be of interest to all of us and if I hear more I’ll post the details here.

    Next time you are back home then have a look out of your garden at your folks house and you’ll see Clare and I waving at you! A UK meet up would be a great thing someday if we could sort one out.

    Best wishes to you and your mum,



    Hi all,

    Thanks so much for all of your replies. I haven’t had time to properly look in to the links that you’ve sent yet as we’re rushing around from appointment to appointment at the moment – i’m sure you know how it is! It’s hard to have to go to work when all of this is going on. Looking after mum’s health seems to be a full-time job in itself and it is definitely my priority at the moment. I will have a good look at the links you sent, later on today.

    Re locations, yes, we are spread out a bit, although my folks actually live up in Northumberland and we can practically see Scotland from our back garden, so not that far away from Gavin and Clare when i’m back up home! :)



    In case anyone is interested in establishing a CC support group there is a great webinar that Mark made for us all a while ago. Well worth watching and it can be found here –



    Hi Jules,

    Support groups are a great idea and many people would get so much out of them, especially in face to face settings. I’d be up for a UK meeting sometime if we could all do one, but I guess that locations etc would be a bit of a hinderance to us since we are so spread throughout the UK.

    Maggies run support groups and I know that they have a centre in Oxford. Here is a link to their Oxford centre in case you haven’t heard of them –

    Timetable for the Oxford groups –

    I know that in the Dundee centre they run a GI support group but they don’t seem to do one as of yet in Oxford. Perhaps you could see if they plan on starting one, or even suggest it. I’ve had some experiences with Maggies and they do great work there for patients, carers, family members etc.

    As to specific CC support groups, I know that Aintree launched one in June of this year and Helen went to speak to it at their opening. Here is a link –

    Not too sure about any other specific CC face to face groups but I’ll see what I can find out and get back to you. And of course, you have all of us here as well!

    Best wishes,


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