Ulcer from Y90.

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  • #73424

    Kami….it is nice to hear from you. Sorry to hear that the ulcer is given your Mom problems, but with this disease it is not an uncommon occurrence. These two links speak of it:
    The good news is that ulcers heal and I hope for your Mom to feel better real soon.
    Pre-scananxiety seems to be part of the game, but my fingers are crossed for a positive response to the radiation treatment. Please keep us posted. We care.


    Hi Kami, your news sounds terrific except for the Ulcer. They are very painful, I have had them. I am sure your ONC told her what to do but just in case….absolutely nothing fried (you can make omelets and scrambled eggs in the micro) , nothing spicy and NO caffeine. Has the ONC given her anything for pain or for healing? I just used Cimetidine over the counter. It is like Prevacid or Zantac. I even doubled them. But as always ask the ONC first. They do take time to heal but know there are things that can be prescribed! With that pain Mom is using up energy she needs or other things. Good luck on Wednesday and looking forward to hearing the results!


    Hi all! Been awhile since I last posted! Since then we jumped through hoops to get my mom to have the y90 procedure done and got our wish! The 1st embo went great, 2nd one not so well. She was extremely sick right away and still trying to bounce back from it. She had an upper GI scope where they found the cause of all her troubles…an ulcer :( may not seem like a huge thing but she has been extremely sick from it and barely able to eat…does anyone have any ideas on what to do to help w/ this…I feel we’ve tried everything…the dr says it just takes time but moms in so much pain now she has a pain patch…any ideas or things that may help are greatly appreciated!! Other than this dang ulcer her dr is very pleased w/ how her cancer fight is going. This wed the 10th we meet w/ our onc and radiology onc to discuss her scan results…we’re nervous but looking forward to seeing how much this procedure helped! Thanks for any input!

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