Uncle losing battle w/cc

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  • #17740
    jmoneypenny wrote:
    Hi – I know exactly what you mean about a dr’s prognosis – my stepfather was given 1 year to live (lung cancer) 21 years ago. He died 5 years ago – so that’s a pretty good remission! He was only sick the last year of his life, so you never do know with any type of cancer. But your father’s 2 liver transplants – that’s awesome! Good for him! Is he your uncle’s brother? If so, that shows what good genes they both have. I hope you have them too!

    Yes, my father is my uncle’s brother. My dad has 7 brothers & sisters. Unfortunately, this uncle is closest to him. He’s pretty sad about it.

    Your stepfather has really beaten the odds. Surviving for 20+ yrs, that’s tremendous.

    Best wishes



    Hi – I know exactly what you mean about a dr’s prognosis – my stepfather was given 1 year to live (lung cancer) 21 years ago. He died 5 years ago – so that’s a pretty good remission! He was only sick the last year of his life, so you never do know with any type of cancer. But your father’s 2 liver transplants – that’s awesome! Good for him! Is he your uncle’s brother? If so, that shows what good genes they both have. I hope you have them too!


    Dear Joyce,

    Thanks for your kind words. Your thoughts on his accomplishment and inspiration for fighting the illness for 18 months+ bring some other thoughts to mind. Mainly that doctors often cite statistics when they tell you how long you have or what your chances are. Everyone reacts differently.

    I want to share with you and everyone here a story about my own father. He’s an extremely rare and lucky man. In 1992, 15 yrs ago, my father had not one, but two liver transplants. He got one and it failed about 6 months later. The doctors miraculously decided to give him a second one, but with a different drug regimen and aftercare. Well thank god they did, because he responded very well to it and is doing absolutely great to this day. I would think there are only a handful of people who have had 2 liver transplants. The doctors told me that he his chances of survival were “a wing and a prayer”. They actually gave him about a 10% chance of surviving long term. Well he did, so everyone has a chance. Some on this board have beaten the odds and proven it as well.

    While we all know CC is a difficult cancer to beat, some do and you can survive long term. So don’t give up hope.

    Dear Marions,

    Thank you also for your kind words.



    Welcome Eric,
    I am following Joyce in thanking you for introducing yourself. Hopefully, your uncle’s stent problem will be resolved. Pease, keep us posted.

    Best wishes to you and your uncle, and congratulation on his new grandchild. Boy or Girl?


    Dear Eric,
    So sorry to hear your uncle isn’t faring well – his story is so important because he has managed to keep the illness at bay for 18 months – quite an accomplishment and inspirational to others. Thank you for sharing and I wish the very best for you, your uncle and your family in this trying time.


    I’ve frequented this site for the last 18 months, but haven’t posted yet. I have a 70 yr old uncle who has battled this difficult disease for 20 months now. Unfortunately, he’s slipping and and his time is probably limited. I just want to say that all of you on here are extremely inspirational. CC is a terrible disease. But reading some of your posts are both heartbreaking and heart warming. In my uncle’s case, the doctors gave home only 3-6 months after diagnosis, but he may make it to 2 yrs. He is an otherwise healthy person with no serious illnesses until now. At least he has gotten to see a new grandchild 6 months ago. He recently had a stent installed, but that doesn’t seem to be working all that well. He’s already had 2 infections and I fear the effectiveness of the stent is waning.

    I want to thank all who contribute to this site, it’s truly marvelous to have the information and share the experiences of all.


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