Uncomfortable/fullness in stomach

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    Thanks for the heads up Lisa!


    I had that combination – just a warning – it will probably make Jeff very uncomfortable. I had a lot of nausea associated with this combination and the only thing that actually helped was marinol (medical marijuana). Best of luck with the chemo!


    Hi, hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Just wanted to let you know Lainey, that they did come up with a plan and got started on it right away! The liver abscess is gone so the doctors took the drain out on Monday…good news, but we also were able to discuss the PET scan a little better. The cancer has spread to both lungs and lymph nodes in his chest. The lung doctor said the cancer is in advanced stage and not a very good prognosis but believes we should get started on chemo with the hopes it will stop the growth. We also found out that the cancer has moved into his abdomen. This was on Monday and he had chemo on Tuesday! Jeff had gemzar and will have gemzar and oxsaliplatin next Tuesday and the oncologist said they will throw in a third type called 5 FU. This one will be a new one for us. Any bad side effects from this one? Hopefully not. But we know how hat goes! Jeff is really trying to give this everything he has! My daughters and I just pray this will keep it from progressing.
    Dear Highsmith and Andie, He is now taking 60 mg. of morphine 2 time daily which has helped with the stomach discomfort too, also prilosec 2 times a day.The doctors nurse also suggested Beano, which actually worked some too! Hope your Dad has been feeling better. He hasn’t had to take the dilaudid much at all this week!

    Thanks again for listening!!


    Sorry you got that kind of news. I know that when Teddy’s Scans were not so good, the Radiologist and the ONC got their heads together and came up with a game plan. Are you to see the ONC now? We really don’t pay too much attention to the ‘markers’ as sometimes they can be off if there is an infection or was an infection. Now that you know what the scan found, you catch your breath and once a game plan is set…you begin your fight again.


    Hi, just wanted to update, we went for PET scan today. Not what we wanted to hear. Unofficially, we will get the report tomorrow, but it appears the cancer is now in the left lung and lymph nodes which is causing the hole in his lymphatic channel. The liver abscess is gone but now he has some bile drainage in the drain so it’s not coming off until it’s stopped. Is there any specific chemo that has worked on the lungs? Also, I don’t really understand the “markers” but they also said his markers in January were 23 and now are 287. What does this mean? Could really have just used some good news!


    Schrums4-Maybe it is time for stronger Prilosec too? My dad takes prilosec 20mg in the AM and PM. It is way more than the standard dose, but his has helped on a couple of different things.

    Good luck this week!


    Dear Highsmith, No, Jeff doesn’t have any weight to spare. He was always small but now is 120. He has hardly no muscle or fat left. I will ask about the shake and the Ambien. Thank you.

    Mary, Thanks too for the suggestion, Jeff takes Prilosec OTC every morning and still has this happen.

    Andrea, I will definitely let you know what our doctor has to say about this. It sounds as if your Dad is in the same situation. Some nights are worse than others and Jeff said exactly the same thing with it being annoying.


    My husband has had that feeling at times the past few years after being sick or a procedure being done. He had it a lot while undergoing radiation. We found that giving him antacid pills took it away. It was actually gas build-up. I have no idea why gas is such a problem with liver disease but it really is. I just buy over the counter pills, usually generic, but something like prevacid. If he’s not constipated then maybe that’s the problem. Mary



    My Dad has this feeling too, and without constipation. He is eating little and often. Sometimes though he wakes up with the full feeling, other times it comes on late afternoon and yesterday he didn’t have it at all. The DN said it may be due to his stomach shrinking as his appetite and food intake is getting less. She has recommended Ensure drinks.

    I will be interested to what they say to you at the Liver Clinic, Monday. Please let us know.

    My Dad is not on any pain medication at the moment as he is not in any pain.

    I hope you get this sorted as my Dad said it is an ‘annoying’ feeling that really gets him down.

    Best wishes



    Does Jeff have enough weight to spare a few pounds? My dad lost a lot and it takes time to eat again. The surgeon or OPMC should be able to refer him to a nutritionist if need be…there is something called Gem? (I will look it up) that is a high calorie, but good for low fat diet, shake that is mostly protein. Also, there is a 12.5 mg time-released Ambien now. Have you tried that? We have had to go from 5mg to 10mg to the time release but it is working. There are a few other sleep aids out there too! Check into them!


    Gavin, We didn’t say anything to our family doctor about the stomach, we do go to UPMC Monday for a PET scan and then to the Liver Cancer Center to see our liver doctor then. Just thought he’d be the one to talk to about this. Jeff’s birthday is Sunday and I was just hoping maybe someone had a good remedy! He took another half ambian tablet, sleeping for now.

    Marion, We have done the stool softeners, he’s not having problems that way, at least not lately.

    Again, thanks for all the help, so nice to have others to turn to! Jenny


    Have you tried stool softeners 1/2 hour before each meal?


    Hi Jenny,

    What did your family doctor say about Jeff’s feeling full/bloated when you spoke with him/her today? And did they give you anything thing that might help with this? Also, it might be worth speaking with Jeff’s specialist/onc about this and seeing what they have to say about this.

    Sorry to hear that Jeff is feeling miserable right now, I hope that you can get some help for him here.

    My best to you both,



    Thanks for all the advice. Jeff isn’t constipated though, we have done miralax and colais in the past when he was and both worked. This is just different for him. He isn’t really eating very much either. In the past month he’s lost about 10 pds., because he needs to be on a low fat diet it’s really hard to put any weight on! And the ambian didn’t work for very long, he’s awake and miserable! Ugh!!


    My dad, Phil, has a very small appetite and needs little food. He is 6’2 and always has been a big guy (250+). He was down to 215, his playing weight in college, after surgery. It will level off, but the full feeling is normal. He takes 100mg of colace twice a day and Miralax (17mg with fluid) at night. He also eats small meals at all times and supplements with Ensure. Part of his whipple removed a portion of his stomach and duodenum, so we knew this would be the case. He takes Ambien nightly and does have night terrors every once on a while, but I wake him up and he usually sleeps well the rest of the night.

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