Unexpectedly wonderful news!

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Unexpectedly wonderful news!

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  • #50554

    Thanks for all the warm welcome. Hope we all have good news to share along the way.


    Hi ICC2010,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but glad that you have joined us here. As Lainy said, you have come to the right place and here you will get a load of support and help from everyone. Please feel free to ask any questions that you have and we will do what we can to help in answering them. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Hello, ICC2010 and welcome to our wonderful family. Can you tell us a little more about your Dad? Where is he being treated? His diagnosis and age? We are sorry you had to find us but you have come to the right place for support. Looking forward to hearing more from you.


    Hi ICC2010…just wanted to say a quick hello and welcome you to our site. If by any chance Julieanne does not see your posting directed to her would you please, be so kind and re-post.
    Sorry, but I just had to send you a warm hello.
    All my best wishes,


    Hi, Julieanne

    Thanks for sharing the great news about your husband. I am looking for possible solutions for my dad who was diagnosed with ICC in 2010. Just wondering if Xeloda is the major contributor to shrink the tumor in your case. It looks like that Xeloda treats colon/rectum/breast cancer.



    That is such Wonderful news!!! My dad goes for his PET scan since chemo started soon.I am praying for just as good news. I hope your husband continues to respond and get the surgery he needs!! God Bless.


    from what I have read, for red blood cells, red meat and green leafy veggies. For white blood cells, they recommend that you eat foods high in vitamin C, zinc, and beta carotene. Specifically, they recommended orange veggies. Also, moderate exercise can raise white blood cell count.


    WOW this is so amazing!!!! Wonderful! You ARE blessed, and everything IS possible!!
    Btw, how do you keep his bloodcell-count up? I could do with some advice!


    Hi Julieanne,

    This is great news indeed and thank you so much for sharing it with us all! I will keep my fingers crossed for further good news for Ott and hopefully the surgery will happen soon.

    Best wishes to you and Ott,



    Julieanne….Wonderful, wonderful, news. May Ott continue to have great success with the debulking of his tumor. Please, keep us posted. We love good news. Thanks for thinking of us.
    All my best wishes,


    Julieanne, YIPEE, that is the best ever news! Whoever thought in their life that one could get so excited at the prospect of having surgery!!!! Another 2mm is nothing! Cannot wait for the next round of news!


    I was operated on a little over two years ago with a successful resection done by a brilliant surgeon Dr. Tomoaki Kato at NY Presbyterian. Dr. Kato has done successful surgeries on patients who were given no hope whatsoever by others. He has established a reputation as the surgeon of last resort for many of his patients. I was a high risk patient for a number of reasons, yet he took me as a patient, had some problems during the surgery, but I had a good outcome. My friend Kim was turned away by four hospitals as ‘inoperable’ before seeing Dr. Kato. She’s now almost a year out from a successful ex-vivo procedure, much more elegant and difficult than my operation. You may want to consider getting an opinion from him at some point.

    There is complete contact info under the “hospitals” link under my name. Good luck in your treatment


    After we went to Mayo in Minnesota at the beginning of February, our hopes of my husband being cured were slim to none…it was the opinion of the Mayo team that Ott’s tumor might be held in check, but probably my husband would never be a surgical candidate.

    As I mentioned in the introduction thread, we came back to our team at MUSC in Charleston, SC. We began treatment with Irinutecan and Xeloda. After three rounds, we had a new CT scan last Thursday. We were praying that the tumor hadn’t grown, and that the suspicious area on the lymph nodes were just residual inflammation from the radiation.

    We were absolutely stunned….the tumor had shrunk by about 30%, and had shrunk completely away from one of the blood vessels. They only need it to shrink another 2mm away from the other before he will be a candidate for surgery to remove the tumor and do a liver resection.

    He had another round of the chemo that day, and they plan for him to have two more before they do another scan. My job is to try to keep his blood cell counts up as high as possible, so he can keep getting the treatments.

    I feel very blessed right now.

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