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  • #81762

    Best to you Alison, as you have your y-90. Really glad your pancreas is clear and the CC is limited to your liver where the y90 can really make an impact. I check your caringbridge now and then and have seen what a wonderful support system you have.. And your daughter is adorable!


    Good luck tomorrow Alison. We’ll all be watching the good news section for your next update. :)


    Alison…a tidal wave of good wishes are heading your way. Can’t wait to read your next posting in the “Good News” section.


    Hi Alison,

    Good luck on Friday. Despite it all, I love the positivity you have. X


    Dear Alison, didn’t anyone ever tell you ENOUGH on the roller coaster. I just want to wish you well on Friday and hope the Y-90 does the trick. Good to hear from you and I am very happy the tumor by the Pancreas disappeared. Please let us know how you are progressing, we really care.


    Hi everyone –

    I introduced back in the fall and then went off the grid from this board for a while. My mom Ceci has been pretty active. Just as a re-introduction – I was diagnosed with cc in October of 2013 – 12tumors found on one lobe of my liver. 42years old in louisiana with a 2 year old daughter and great husband and family!

    – First line chemo didn’t work, switched to folforinox in January. They found a mass by my pancreas in January as we were prepping for putting a pump in at Sloan Kettering with dr. Fong in January so that took the pump off the table.

    I’ve had mixed response from the chemo – pancreatic mass isn’t seen anymore, some tumors shrunk, some looked dead, some grew and there is one small new one. Pet scan 2weeks ago showed no cancer anywhere else. The oncologist isn’t convinced it is pancreatic in origin, the surgeon and radiologist are. (Not dr fong as he had left to ca by my last visit to new York). Ca-919s were decreasing when we checked last.

    We are back in New York – scheduled to do y-90 radio embolization on Friday. It sounds as though dr. Kemmeny will recommend continued chemo. We are also exploring trials.

    I have a caringbridge page under my name alison neustrom – and I will try to check in more here…I love the good news board.

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