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  • #30901


    Lainy is right. You may want to try again with another doctor. I do recall that when Jim first started having some discomfort they had to try twice to get a stent in his ureter too. The first doctor could not get it & the next day another one did get it placed.



    Beth…….I would go on the Primary Scelorising Cholangitis web site. The problems you are encountering may very well have happened to another person with this disease. As we have seen on this board, nothing beats the information shared by someone who has dealt with similar issues. I am happy to hear though, your husband has not been diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma. Please, stay in touch.
    Tons of good wishes coming your way,


    Hi Beth. Sometimes what one cannot do another can. Teddy was getting ureter stints and the first Urologist actually gave up. We went to a new Urologist and he has had no problem getting the stints in. Sometimes a 2nd or 3rd opinion is most valuable. I just found a good web site by putting in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. Please keep us posted and good luck on Friday.



    I am sorry to hear that things aren’t going well. Hopefully that will change soon. I really don’t have any answers for you but wanted you to know I am thinking of you and your husband and hoping for the best. I am sure you will be hearing from others shortly who have had similar experiences that will be able to give you some answers. Good luck to you. Take care.

    Love & Hugs,


    My husband went in for hiscatheter on monday and they found a lot of scar tissue. They diagnosed him with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. They said that he probably wasn’t a candidate for surgery but might need a transplant. This was such a blow. I don’t know what to do next. They were not able to get the catheter all the way in because of all the scar tissue.
    Does anyone know what usually happens after this?
    The were not able to do the biopsy yet either. They will re-try on Friday

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