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  • #49775

    That’ great news. I’m pleased to hear that the treatment is going well. You have had a difficult operation and I’m not surprised that you feel tired at times. Your strength will return….



    Dear Monica – Good news is always so welcome. Glad you are tolerating the chemo well. Post as you feel up to it as we are interested in your progress. Blessings, Susan


    Hi Monica, this is all so exciting! I am happy that you are tolerating the Chemo so well and the time will pass quickly and before you kniw it, Wallah, a new Monica. Please keep us posted on how you are doing, we care.


    Hello Monica…..no reason to be sorry for not posting. We are just thrilled to hear that you are starting to feel much better. Sometimes it can take a few weeks to a few months before the energy returns to normal. Congratulations on feelings as well as you do..
    That is quite a drive for your upcoming treatments but, at least it is for a limited time only and that does make things a bit more bearable doesn


    Hello All,

    Sorry I have not been on for a while. It has taken my a few weeks to get radiation and chemo started. I have to drive 60 miles one way for treatment monday thru friday. I am just now 9 weeks out from surgery and starting to feel better. I have days that i am really tired. Hope everyone is well. I have a lot of reading to catch up on the site.

    Until next time,

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