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    Joanna, That’s wonderful! Non-cancerous – music to our ears! Hugs. Nancy


    What a blessing and a miracle!!! Everyone wishes and hopes to get news like that! Here’s to the surgery to becoming a reality!!! All the best, Joanna.

    Love and hugs, -Pam


    Joanna….I can’t believe it either. The overwhelming good news though is that the lesions are non-cancerous. Let’s keep the momentum and continue to ride the good wave.
    Can’t wait to hear about the plan fo follow.


    OMGOSH! Joanna, what a finding! I am stunned as well. We just never know with this crazy CC. No wonder we call it the biggest roller coaster ride ever! Well, now that they had a dress rehersal I say lets do the real deal now!!!


    As I posted a couple of weeks ago, my second attempt at a resection was halted due to the discovery of lesions on other parts of my liver.
    Well, the biopsy results on the lesions have determined they are not cancerous! My oncologists at MGH are shocked. There is some disagreement about what they are. The pathologist believes they were never cancerous. He thinks they are the result of some kind of necrosis and were/are benign. The surgeon who did the laproscopy felt by looking at them that they were definitely a spread of the cancer. My oncologists said that it was possible they were cancerous at one time but were killed by the chemo and are a “graveyard.” They are going to talk to the surgeon this week to share the results of the pathology with him, and see if he changes his original opinion of what he saw. If he does, they may reschedule the surgery! If he feels strongly that they were once cancerous, they would prefer to try to kill the remaining tumor with proton radiation.
    Either way, it is good news! I am having a hard time believing it, after all of the ups and downs, and I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. It is really hard to get my hopes up again. I guess cautiously optimistic is the best way to describe what I am feeling.


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