Update about Mom

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    Christine , our moms will get results on the same day. I will be praying for both.
    My mom like yours has a sense of peace while I feel like I’ve been punched in the stomach. Seems like many of us are in the same boat.


    Thank you ALL so very much!

    Of course my mind wanders in so many different directions and I am scared, nervous, curious, etc etc.

    Mom is remarkably calm and for that I am so grateful!

    Your thoughts and prayers are so greatly appreciated!

    C xxx


    Hi Christine,

    I’m sorry your Mom’s counts are low and she is not able to get chemo. Maybe after some rest and re-grouping her counts will be back up and a new treatment can begin. I know it is very scary when a person can’t be on chemo. I will pray for your Mom. Keep us updated please.

    Love and hugs,


    Hi christine,

    Sending a few more Scottish vibes to you.



    I will say A prayer for your Mom…


    Hi Christine,

    For sure, a ton of positive thoughts and vibes are heading your way from over here. I hope that the scans come back okay and remember that we are here for you. Please let us know how your mum gets on and take some more positive thoughts as well.




    Dear ChristineD, your request is our command, many prayers, thoghts and tons of hugs coming your way. Please keep us posted and be very strong!


    Hello friends

    Mom is at this point done with chemo. The doctor says no more for now at least as it is becoming more problematic than helpful. Her blood work has been consistently out of whack with her white cells going lower and lower and the platelets on a steady decline as well. Doctor is worried that the adverse effects will become a major issue if she continues the chemo.

    She had scans on Wednesday of this week and we will get those results on Thursday of this coming week. She’s been doing pretty well over all so I feel confident the scans will be okay.

    I will let you know what we find out if you could toss out a prayer or 2 I would really appreciate it :)

    Hugs to all

    Christine xx

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