Update and Hearing Loss

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    I had some ringing in my ears during therapy but it has gone away. Have you tried Emend for your nausea or ativan or a combination?


    Not too much muffled. Biggest problem seems to be that I have to listen carefully which takes some of the enjoyment out, espcially when listening to music. I’m listening rather than experiencing.

    Hearing did not seem to get any worse. But, there could have been a slight gradual degradation so I won’t say it didn’t happen. Some people are harder to understand and some situations are harder to hear in (background noise, etc.). With the hearing aids, some sounds are just plain irritating, example, folding a map or scraping a plate.



    Thank you Duke for your experience. Other than ringing did you have a muffled sense of hearing? Did your hearing/ ringing get any worse on carboplatin?

    Thank you,



    My onc moved me from cisplatin to carboplatin after only one round because of ringing in my ears. I went through eight rounds of carbo/gem and have had five rounds of gem only.

    I now have hearing aids. Good for normal conversation but challenged in high noise environments. Also, I’ve found that some “more experienced” individuals (aka senior citizens), have trouble processing sounds in their brains, especially in loud environments or people with accents or who mumble. I’m like two or three words behind and can never quite catch up.



    Hi Jim,
    Without a doubt tell your doctor about it, even if it goes away after a bit….and it should hopefully. It does not mean they have to stop chemo, you may just need a lower dose or given slower. The doc will know the answer for sure but please tell him. I found out just recently that my husband was not very honest about how the oxaliplantin affected his hearing so he does have some permanent loss and some ongoing ringing. He figured if he ignored it, it wouldn’t matter. And he says it’s not too bad. Although I know he doesn’t hear as well.
    Hope the fatigue and flip-flopping of the stomach don’t get any worse for you.



    I wanted to post a quick update and a side effect that seems to be hitting very quickly. I was initially treated with Y90, and had my first cis/ gem on Tuesday. Overall fatigue and some stomach flip flopping, but not terrible. Then starting Friday it really hit my hearing….very muffled and ringing. I know some people have stopped cis/ gem because of this, but disappointing if it’s after the first treatment. I thought I could have a small breather before worrying about lining up a 2nd line chemo. I see the doc on Tuesday and scheduled for just the gem. Please let me know if you have any info or suggestions….thank you.

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