update for george

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    Lynn, so glad the day got better for both of you. The unknown is so scary.
    Hugs, Lisa


    Love you too, Lynn and always happy to talk and even talk about other stuff. Hope you get some rest tonight, you really sounded tired. Ya got to be kind to yourself as well. We really clouded up this afternoon and it was so nice to see something beside sun! We might even get some rain. Yahoo.


    thank you ladies,not knowing was georges biggest problem, he couldnt say he was sorry enough to his nurse this morning for being so crabby,he said,now that he knows what to except he’ll be a good boy next week.Oh yea his magnisium was low this morning,what would cause that?he has to take pills now..well,its been a tireing day,im a little wore out love you all,hugs Lynn

    P.S…Lainy,my day always seems to go better when i talk to you,i just love our talks…


    I hate not knowing what to expect, too. I find the anticipation is often so much worse than the reality.

    Having wifi is great. I wish we had it in our hospitals; it would have made my sister feel so much more connected with the outside world when she was in there.

    I hope the day has continued to go well for you both, Lynn.


    Sounds good to me! It is always a scare not knowing what to expect, especially with all that our CC patients endure! Thanks for the update, I always look forward to them.


    Well,after a restless night because fear of the unknown,his morning was much better.we are here at the cancer center having his first chemo session,it was great to find out they got wifi last week,so I went home and got George his laptop,and my tablet.George is doing great,now that he knows what to expect,his spirits are much higher joking with the nurses.we will be here until 3:30.I will be back,love you all hugs lynn

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