Update from the Sardina Care Center

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Update from the Sardina Care Center

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  • #25996

    Does my old heart good to see when ever you come on! We think about you all the time. Wish I could send you some of our wonderful warm weather! Bless you and lots of love flowing your way.


    Hi Lainy and Mr. T.,

    Knowing and being prepared is always so helpful. I hope the fog stays lifted with a clear path . I was going to tell you about my first and last golf outing, but will spare you the details. Lets just say, posied for a high powered impact to send that ball and my club goes in the ground and my my shoulders the opposite direction. Ha! would have been an Arnold Palmer shot, if only I had connected. Ha! Don’t forget the tee, it helps.
    Bless you Guys!
    Jeff G.


    Yesterday we went to Teddy’s new Urologist. He said because of all the scar tissue from the Whipple and radiation that the Ureter is permanently damaged and the stents will not work down the road so Teddy will have to wear a nephrostomy bag. How far down the road we don’t know. Also at that point we could talk about removal of the right kidney but whereas he usually does it with
    laprioscopy (sp )surgery he cannot do that with Teddy and the surgery would be huge. He is ordering a CT Scan and calling the Oncologist today to see if he wants anything special included in the scan. How impressive! We are doing well as we expected to hear all of the above. We like everything out in front and then we know how to deal with it. I think as long as as T can golf he doesn’t mind the bag too much. Thats the update for now from the Sardina Care Center! Big hugs and best wishes to you all.

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