update on gem/cis for my mom- cycle 4 not so good

Discussion Board Forums Adverse Reactions & Side Effects update on gem/cis for my mom- cycle 4 not so good

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    Dear Serena,

    I agree with the ER trips. During chemo, we went twice to get IV fluids, and still kick ourselves for waiting too long the first time. It was very hard to get her dressed and into the car for the trip, but the treatments improved how she was feeling significantly. We had some low fever after SIRT, but never from chemo. I would err on side of caution and at least call ONC if not go to ER. One note, we did not go all the way back to Univ of MD, but went to local ER. If you let them know she’s on chemo, they should move you immediately back to a private waiting room so she was not in an ER when her immune system is compromised.

    I hope all goes well,


    I guess my question is… has anyone experienced chills, fevers, sweating 3-4 days AFTER the chemo infusion? How long does this last? and how do people best deal with this?

    I’ve read a few posts where they have had fevers and chills and did not have to go to hospital, as it was more of a side effect rather than an emergency.. however most of those posts were dated back a few years. i’m just really concerned that my mom may have another infection.. Im sure most of you understand how horrific trips to the ER can be and I am just officially traumatized (maybe more than my mom!).

    Thank you all,



    Hi everyone,

    if you’ve read my previous posts, i’m usually inquiring about side effects, or odd symptoms my mom experiences post-resection or during chemo.. she started the regimen pretty well- no nausea, just mild fatigue – that was cycle 1. cycle 2- increased fatigue, a lot of hair thinning, some loss of appetite. we are still thankful for no nausea/vomitting – the combination of EMEND, dexmethason, and ondasetron works wonders. okay so cycle 3- kinda wiped my mom out for the first infusion, on days 3-5, she could barely get out of bed. so we skipped the second infusion of week 2 (mom is 2 weeks on, one week off). due to scheduling conflicts, they infusion center couldn’t fit her in the following week, so mom got a 3 week break total off chemo (she was thrilled since she could recuperate, and hopefully handle the next chemo infusion better). So last wednesday was an infusion, and they reduced the dose by 20% too.. its day 3 and my mom wakes up with chills, body aches, malaise, and fever of 102 F. I call doctor immediately – they instruct me to give tylenol and call in antibiotic, CIPRO 500 mg twice daily for 7 days. They said no need to take her to ER but if she still has a fever on sunday (today is friday), then call the on call doctor and go from there…

    so I just searched “fevers” and read through 849 posts!! I am very familiar with symptoms of infection (sweats, chills, fevers) because my mom had to go to hospital twice after her resection from an abscess.. so of course when my mom told me her symptoms this morning I immediately panic and those feelings of anxiety and worry resurface.. I really hope this is a side effect of the chemo and NOT another infection.. she doesn’t have any stents in.. and its been 10 months post-resection…

    based on the posts, these symptoms are usually consistent with some type of infection but i’ve also read many posts about how many experience tumor fevers, or low grade fevers following chemo, or fevers that come and go… but my mom has chills, fever, and lots of sweating all combined, I just really hope the fevers go away and my mom feels better after antibiotic…

    anyone have any comments on this? Thank you all. hope everyone has a good weekend.

    Love, Serena

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