update on george

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    What a particularly rocky part of the roller-coaster you’re on at the moment, Lynn. I’m so glad George is home and to hear about his daughter.

    Big hugs xx


    hi everybody,went to cancer center this morning,george has a muscle spasm in
    his back,dr is fixing him up and if not better by monday,we need to go back,liver biopsy is now for the 11th if pain is gone,there is a tumur on his spine Dr showed me,we are still trying to get medicare to approve his bone scan,they denied the first request,Dr said with this new scan done yesterday,and new findings,hopefully they will approve this one…..Love and hugs to all..lynn


    about a days drive in alabama…hugs and thank you from the bottom of my heart for the advise on this,you are truly a blessing…love you all.


    oHHHHHH! What a beautiful story. Does she live far from you?


    oh Lainy,as i type this with tears,george is talking to his Daughter on the phone right now for the first time in 20 + yrs..


    Lynn, first of all I am glad George is back home and wish you good luck on the ONC visit in the morning. I am just as happy about George’s daughter! That is just wonderful! I think his daughter will add that extra RX George needs to fight this CC battle. Does she live in the same city as you?


    Thank you,we are home now,they gave him percoset and muscle relaxer,he seems comfortable,his Dr at cancer wants to see him in his office in the morning,they didn’t say why.they took exray in er,but nothing was there,er Dr said they are not going to do CT scan because they did one this morning,I assume cancer Dr wants to discuss what’s there,long night ahead.oh,and lainy,Georges daughter was so very happy I found her,she responded a few hrs after I sent her a message,she friend requested George and I on Facebook.love hugs and blessings to all’lynn


    Sending you masses of positive vibes and good wishes, Lynn.

    Julia xx


    Hi Lynn,

    Thanks for letting us know what happened with George and his biopsy and I’m sorry to hear how things went today. There is nothing wrong with being scared and going crazy, that is natural. I so hope that George’s doctors get to the bottom of this and do something about it now. And please, let us know what happens here and you know that we are here for you.




    Lynn, I am so sorry to hear this. Thank goodness you were already at the Hospital. I would be scared too, the unknown is the worst. Will be waiting to hear what is up. Be strong.


    We are here at the hospital for his biopsy,they took to CT scan he woke up this morning in the worst pain I have ever seen,when they started the Bio,the pain got so bad they couldn’t finish they did a scan where the pain is and found something on his bone,I am now going crazy waiting to see whats they are going to do..I’m so scared…..love hugs and blessings…lynn

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