update on george

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion update on george

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    I am very sorry about George’s decline in health. Although I can’t add much to what Lainy has already said, just remember we are all here for you and do care.

    Love and hugs,


    Dearest Lynn, I am so sorry about George. Have you asked Hospice what they think about his status? If you don’t want to take a ride, where you can yell and scream and let it all out, take a walk, even if just around the outside of the house. Lynn, if you feel you cannot gain control then there is nothing wrong with asking your Doctor for something to take the edge off. Not sure you can read it, but I have some info on getting near the end. I will not email it unless you OK me to. Just know I am right beside you all the way! You are not alone we are all here for you.


    george been mostly sleeping since saturday,he just dosnt look good,hes only awake for a few minutes at a time,he said he wants to stop chemo because its making him hurt in his belly,he says it feels like pressure.I said only you can make that choice.his lips turned white,i think its because he really dosnt drink anything like he use to,only sips every couple hrs.this is so so hard i feel like im
    going crazy,i want to punch something,i want to scream,i want to ,i dont know i feel so alone,but i know im not,i know you all are here,im afraid to drive anywhere because im always in a fog,by for now,love and hugs lynn

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