Update on me

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Update on me

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    Hi Susie,

    Thank you so much for posting an update. A belated Happy Birthday to you!

    Sending tons of positive thoughts and wishes for a clean scan.



    Susie-Congrats!! Don’t be so hard on your self, you are surviving cancer and that is REAL hard job. I have found myself annoyed with me for being annoyed over small things and think I should be beyond on this, I had cancer, well that is the good thing about cancer it can’t stop you from being human!! (It tries awfully hard though!!) Don’t be so hard on yourself!! I have scans every 6 months, doctor visit every 3 months and blood work every month, I am always in state of scanxiety!!!
    Susie-Erin Huff and her dad Tim Hargiss (he is battling CC)will also be in Disney World next week. She just posted about how generous the community has been to send them there, you can find her on my FB page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan) if you want to meet a memeber of our CC family!! Tell Mickey hi!!
    Lots of prayers and FUN-Cathy


    Hi Susie,

    A happy birthday to you! I too just had a birthday and turned 41 this week. A family holiday to Disney World sounds like just the thing to help celebrate your birthday and I am sure that you will have a blast! So go and enjoy, be the big kid there and have a blast! Enjoy your trip and I will keep my fingers crossed for the best possible news from your scan.





    Scanxiety is normal and so is thinking about what was and could have been (as Pam said as long as you don’t dwell and it doesn’t keep you from enjoying the present).

    Have a great Disney vacation and a belated happy birthday!




    Have a great time in Disney!! I don’t thinka scanxiety can be avoided, but I do wish you all the best with your scans. Happy Birthday as well! It is awesome you were able to have a resection and are cancer free, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be sad from time to time about how your life was before all this. I think it is perfectly natural as long as you don’t dwell on it all the time. Take care and enjoy life!!

    Love, -Pam


    Sue…you go and have a wonderful time. Leave your worries with us – we will take care of it.
    Have a safe trip and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.


    Dear Lisa, we have been overjoyed with your news as well. Maybe you girls need to really shout it out! Perhaps I am a little naive but I refuse to think that my own rare cancer is ever coming back. Most of the time I don’t even think about it and when my Scans are clean I tell the ONC, see I told you! You WILL start living again, don’t sell yourself short. We should all enjoy what life has to offer, no one else can do that for us but us and I think we all deserve it!
    I asked for strength.
    God gave me difficulties to make me strong.
    I asked for wisdom.
    God gave me problems to solve.
    I asked for prosperity.
    God gave me brawn and brain to work.
    I asked for courage.
    God gave me dangers to overcome.
    I asked for patience.
    God placed me in situations where I was forced to wait.
    I asked for love.
    God gave me troubled people to help.
    I asked for favors.
    God gave me opportunities.
    I received nothing I wanted.
    I received everything I needed.
    Today is the first day of the rest of your life!


    Dear Susie, Wishing you a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Disney World. One of my favorite places, a place for kids of all ages. I believe it is so normal not to fully let go of what was, you just have to try not to let it interfere with the rest of your life. I am glad you are getting more involved with your Church and while I am of a different faith I have to say what I saw in Teddy and his faith was so amazing, how it got him through the worst times. Could some of this be scanziety for your upcomming scans? I am sending prayers, good vibes and lots of juju for good news.
    Give Mickey a kiss for me and have a blast!


    I will pray for you and good scan results. I had a scan last week and was so nervous and I got good results. I thought I would be shouting with joy but the psychological piece of cancer plays tricks with your mind. I have had bad news for so long that I am not sure how to grasp this good news…I want it to last forever. I’m so very grateful for each day of life…just need to start living it again.
    Peace, Lisa


    Hi everyone. I am on here all the time reading, but haven’t been posting much lately.
    I just turned 33. :)
    I have a family vacation to Disney World this week and then it’s scan time.
    Oh, I am nervous, as I know all of you understand. I am thankful to have this trip to distract me. Plus, I get to see my family.
    I am 1 1/2 years post resection now. I feel just fine, but then again I felt just fine right before my resection!
    I hope all is well with everyone. I must admit I have been kind of sad lately, which makes me feel horrible because I should be so grateful and happy to be alive. I keep thinking about right before my resection, how I was trying to get pregnant and instead of growing a baby, I grew a cancerous tumor! How different I thought life would be.

    Please say some prayers for my upcoming scan. I have been getting more involved in church and it helps me so much.

    Lots of hugs,


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