Update on Moira

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    Hi Sti,

    Moira seems to be a strong woman, battling this terrible disease with all her strength. I know my husband stays cold most of the time. Just as the others have said, I think it’s either from the cancer itself or the chemo. John keeps a throw with him all the time so he can cover up when he feels too chilled. You are so right when you say CC is so unfair–it seems to affect the nicest people. I hope Moira continues her fight and that you can make many more memories. Hugs, PeggyP


    Hi everyone, and thanks for sharing your experiences. Moira seems to be cold pretty much most of the time, and yes she is very slight in build, more so since the cancer, her wrists are so tiny. I guess we’ll just need to live with this. M is a fighter but the cold, nausea, no sleep, no energy and general lousy feeling is getting to her. Breaks my heart to hear her talking about having had enough of this CC and it having taken over her body. We’ll get through this I hope. Isn’t this thing so unfair. S


    Hi Simon,

    Great to hear from you and thanks for the update on Moira. She is such a fighter indeed and what great strength she has as well. I know what you mean about our temps being warm this last week, we have had a few scortchers up here in Scotland too, a few days north of 20c too. I wish I could help you exactly about the feeling of being cold, but it seem that this is a common feeling for many people. Is Moira feeling cold all the time or does this cold feeling just come and go every so often?

    This link may be of interest to you –


    My best wishes to you and Moira,



    Dad was always cold as well – he’d wear a toque (or a knit cap / beanie to non-Canadians) all the time. Didn’t matter how warm it was, he needed it to be outside, along with quite a few layers of clothing. We had a heated blanket for him that he used in the house even through the summer, and the heat was always blasting. Pretty sure I sweat out a few pounds being in the house it was always so sweltering! Sounds like the cold is not uncommon though.

    Thinking about you and your wife!



    Hi Sti:

    My husband Tom was always cold as well. He would run the gas fireplace all day in our 4 season room and I could barely stand to be in there with him as it was so hot! And in the car, he would blast the heater at full bore, and would sit there shivering while the sweat was running off me!

    I know he was thin, with no body fat and that is probably why he was always so cold! I know that body fat insulates you somewhat from the cold. Is your wife a thin lady?

    Buy her a heated blanket that she can turn off and have her cuddle under it. I would cover Tom at night with the heated blanket so he would stay warm.

    Not sure why, but apparently people with cancer tend to always feel cold.



    Hello Sti, and many thanks for the update. Moira is one strong, brave lady. Not sure what is czusing the cold unless it’s just being ill. Teddy was always cold as well and he had no chemo or anything. He used to wear a knit cap even in the summer as he said it kept the heat in him. I would be interesting to see what others say about being cold. My very best to you and to your lovely wife.


    Hi everyone, sorry it’s been ages since writing, but thought i’d update you on how Moira is doing. She’s still battling on, she was diagnosed Nov 08, and still showing incredible strength. She is still going to the office each day, still putting on the Estee Lauder, but is clearly now getting more and more tired, but still talks about being absolutely fine. I would really appreciate thoughts on what is likely to be making Moira feel so cold though. We have been lucky enough to be having temps over here in England for the last few days in the low 20s, but she still needs to put jumpers and a fleece on. Any thoughts or guidance would be very much appreciated. Whilst I haven’t written for a time, I do visit regularly and read the posts, I guess I’m just quite frightened. Best wishes and thanks for any help. S

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