update on mom

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    Coder girl, I am right with you! Teddy slept until 4AM last night, quite an achievement but he talked up a storm all ,oringin. He is better now. His afternoons are the best.
    Kris, I have moaned in my sleep my whole life!!! Not sure why, it wasn’t all that interesting until I met T!


    Thanks I started to call in the family glad i was patient.


    I bet she just needed that sleep. I rarely sleep through the night and get up and make noise (Hans says I moan, but I completely deny that!). Then one night, I sleep straight through for no apparent reason. But it is really good!



    Last night was way to quiet Mom slept all night and very quiet. So unusual when compared to the sound and wakings from the last 2 months. She woke this morning had a tiny bite to eat. Tried to shiny up a bit and sleeping now.

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