Update on mom’s stroke

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    My mom had a gurgle for a little while. It wasn’t until she started having “substance” come out of her mouth that the hospice nurse said it might be time to have family around. The substance looked like coagulated blood. But, on the other hand, my mom did not have a stroke beforehand.



    I am so sorry for what your Mom, you & your family are going through. I too feel that keeping her comfortable & pain free is most important for her right now. Support of your family & friends is also important for all of you to help you to stay strong. I will keep you & your family in my thoughts & prayers.



    It breaks my heart to read your message, while I have not experienced the symptoms, I understand your struggle to watch your parent in pain and discomfort, simply wanting to help. Many of us also know the rollercoaster of emotions (the upset and mad you speak of). It’s an honest product of love. You’re in our thoughts and prayers.



    Hi there your mother sounds very ill to me.I think you need to make sure the nurses make her as comfortable and painfree as possible.Rally your family and friends round you because you and especially your dad need their support.I am willing you strength,this is a terrible time for you but a special one too because you can be very close to your mother and dad at this time Janet


    LWilson….I have never heard of anything like this either. Possibly, someone else has. I am wishing for your Mom to stay comfortable and I am sending all my love to you.
    My heart is with you,


    Dear LWilson,

    I don’t know how to answer or help you, but I can keep your mother in my prayers and hope for more comfort for her.



    Sunday night my mom had a stroke, it affected her swallowing and right side of body. She was still able to move leg and arm but not with any strength. Since then we have experienced the loudest gurgle, I have ever heard, it just breaks my heart. I am upset and mad, I just could not handle it. The nurse came this morning and used a machine to try and suck some of the secreations with little sucess. She has also been very aggitated and hard to control pain and aggitation. We rolled her over more to one side, and got everything under control. Now I believe she is in a coma. This has been an extremely difficult and heart wrenching.

    Has anyone ever experienced this and what will happen next. Her vitals dropped this morning, but then came back up and she is warm again also. The nurses’s have never seen anything like it.


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