update on mums ercp

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    I’m glad to hear your mum is feeling better. I hope she gets to go home soon!
    Enjoy your vacation. You deserve one. And I agree with Lainy and Clare. Take time for yourself so you can recharge. Your mum knows you love her.


    Hi Moonpie,

    Don’t feel guilty. You need to look after you as it’s the only way you will be able to be the best support you can for your parents. It is too easy to neglect yourself and if your mum has CC, then you will need all your reserves and energies for the months ahead and it might also not be possible to take a holiday and if the opportunity is there now then please make the most of it. Easier said than done I know but try and use your holiday to relax a little. Good news that the stent has addressed the blockage and that in itself should help enormously with how your mum is feeling.


    AHA! You deserve your Holiday and have no reason to feel guilty. Everyone needs a break and good for you. Where did you go? So glad Mum is better!


    Mum does feel better with the new stent. The old one was v blocked up


    Hi mum is being kept in but may be allowed to go home today-they are having a chat with the registrar today and i think the cobsultant dr stugess wants to see them aswell once the biopsy results r in.

    I feel so guilty for not being there but mum abd dad told me i had to go on the holiday that i had booked months ago. So im keeping in touch with skype and email with them


    Hi moonpie,

    I’m relieved for you all that this has now been done. Waiting is incredibly hard but I hope you get a plan of attack in place this week. I hope the stent gives your mum relief from her symptoms.


    Hello to you Moonpie. Sorry to hear what the Doc thinks but I think we all kind of felt that the writing was on the wall. Once it is confirmed then a game plan can begin. Mum should be feeling better with the stent in place, is she? Here in the U.S. now they do a Colonoscopy and Endoscopy at the same time and I always picture the 2 tubes meeting in the middle! Glad Mum is going home tomorrow. Will he call you or do you have to go back in. Sending you best wishes and hang in there and be strong.


    Hello all

    Mum had her ercp spyglass r procedure today. It went well and she shpuld be able to go home tomorrow. Wedidnt get chance to talk to the consultant but he said before the procedure that he wpuld tell her as he went along what was happening as mum wanted to know. She had a nurse withher who told us afterwards that the consultant was very concerned at what he was seeing and that putting the replacement stent in was very tight going and difficult. He said that he managed to take biopsies in yhe bile duct. Mum also mentioned that a biopsy of the bowel or colon was done-didnt realise the ercp went down that far? We will get the biopsy results back in 2days but the consultant said to mum that what he was seeing indicates very strongly cc.

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