Update on my dad

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  • #71664

    Hi there,

    That is great news indeed that your dads surgery went well, thanks for letting us know how it went. Yes it will take a bit of time for him to recover and I hope also that his recovery goes smoothly for him. And should you wish to look for them, there are a lot of posts on the site about the whipples if you wish to read them. Please keep us updated on how things go for your dad.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Dear Crownsunshine,

    This is great news and a lovely post to read this evening :-)


    Dear CrownSunshine,

    I am so happy that your Dad was able to have surgery and is doing well. What a blessing for you and your family. I will keep him in my prayers. Please keep us updated on his progress.



    Dear CrownSunshine, this is just fantastic news. YIPPEE! I am so happy for your Dad and the family. Doesn’t get much better than this. You just need a lot of patience as this surgery will require a long healing process. I think it took my husband about 3 months to be normal again. Usually the biggest change you will see are the eating habits. Like, Teddy was a chocoholic and after the Whipple couldn’t stand anything sweet. Time will take care of everything. The worst is over. We have a new Super Hero! Please keep us updated on Dad’s progress.


    Congratulations on the success of the surgery. I share your joy. There is so much to be grateful for in that your Dad was eligible to have the surgery and that the cancer was contained within the resected area. It is a difficult surgery and demands a certain recovery time, but each day is one step closer to feeling well again. Stay positive, dear Crownsunshine, your Dad may very well not experience any complications. Thanks for keeping us informed and please stay in touch.



    Hello again,
    I posted a few days ago regarding my dad , he was diagnosed with CC this past March, you can see my first post on( Introductions) section.
    I want to thank everyone for their advice and kind words.
    My dad was taken into surgery yesterday morning , surgeon told us that he taught it was resectable and if it had spread to other parts he would not proceed with surgery. I walked with my dad as he was wheeled to the OR floor , I felt like I was going to faint , i held back my tears as much as I could. We were waiting in waiting area and two hours later nurse informed us that the Dr will proceed with surgery. Dad had the whipple surgery and was in OR from 11 Am until 8 pm. Surgeon told us that he had done biopsy while doing surgery and the cancer had not spread .
    We got to see my dad after he was transferred to Intensive care, he was very groggy because of all the anesthesia but the surgery went well and his vitals are pretty good. I am very thankful to GOD because he heard our prayers, now I pray that my dad does not have any complications because this was a huge surgery.

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