Update on my Dad

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    Hello everyone,

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted so i thought I would do an update on my Dad. I’m sorry for not posting in so long, but the last few months have been pretty hard for the 3 of us and I really havent felt up to posting or spending much time on the internet. The combination of my parents illnesses, winter and pretty much being permanently stuck in their flat has taken it’s toll on them. Lots of arguements, stress and in general, not a lot of happy thoughts. And to top that off, water has been leaking into their kitchen and bathroom from the flat above all weekend which hasn’t helped stress levels!

    We got my Dad’s CT results in February. He still hasn’t seen his specialist yet to talk over them and was told what they showed briefly from a local GP over the phone. They said that the PDT had stopped the tumour from growing in size since he was diagnosed last year, but it had not shrunk it either. Obviously we were hoping that it would have shrunk, but happy nonetheless that it hasn’t grown any either.

    Over the last month or so, Dads jaundice has been slowly coming back. It’s nowhere near as bad as it was last year, but concerning that it’s coming back. Also during the last month, he was getting the odd day of sweating really badly and in general feeling pretty lousy and his urine had darkened. These days have been getting more frequent over the last 2 weeks. He saw an emergency GP 3 weeks ago on a Saturday night who talked to the hospital and they didnt think an emergency admission was needed. Since then, he has saw his own GP and Macmillan nurse at home a few times and they are both coming round to see him again today. Dads GP spoke to the specialist on Friday and if he thinks Dad need to go into hospital then he will probably have to go in today.

    My apologies once again for not posting much. Even though I haven’t been around here much over the last few months, you have all still been in my thoughts and prayers every day.


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