Update on my Dad

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    Julia… I am glad that your sister is on the upswing. Which problems did she encounter this time?


    Hi Julia,

    Yes frustrating indeed to say the least! I got a bit annoyed last night that dad didn’t tell us about his legs as we could have spoken to someone yesterday. But getting annoyed ain’t going to help him so I have to try and keep that under control! Arggggh!!! It’s about time he checked in again with his own GP anyway as he hasn’t seen him for a while and his GP is a real good “people person” and dad gets on well with him.

    Sorry to hear that your sisters chemo didn’t go too well. Is this her 3rd round now? Hopefully this weekend she will be feeling a bit better and will no doubt be running up your phone bill again!! A rollercoaster ride for sure!

    Best wishes to you and your sister



    How frustrating that he didn’t tell you at the time – but I’m sure we can all understand why he wouldn’t want to. I hope the weekend goes smoothly & that he can see his own GP about it.

    My sister’s chemo didn’t go too well this week but she seems to have settled down again now.

    What a rollercoaster for us all!!



    Hi Marion,

    Many thanks for your post. You are right and I think I will just see what happens over the weekend. Dad really wants to see his GP who knows his situation and he feels more comfortable with him. Of course, if things worsen as you say then it’s off to the ER.

    Many thanks and I hope you have a good weekend.

    Best wishes



    Gavin…….I think that you have figured it all out already. I suppose that you could have your Dad seen by another GP, in the emergency, if you are unsure of the situation. I believe that this is one of these situations where you might have to go with your gut instinct. Your Dad may very well feel not much worse over the weekend and if he does, you know where to go.
    Best wishes,


    Hi everyone,

    Well today dad had a good day at day care again. The chef came back to cook for them all and made minnestrone soup with ginger sponge for dessert. And he gave the recipe to dad to pass on to me and dad said it was really tasty, so now I will have to make it for him!

    On a not so good note, dads thighs have started to swell up now. He said this started yesterday but he didn’t tell us and he didn’t tell anyone at day care today either. I only noticed this tonight when I noticed him rubbing them, but he said they are not sore. I wish he had told me about this yesterday so that I could have spoke to someone about it today. The earliest we will get to see his GP will be Monday now with the other alternatives being an emergency app with another GP or going to the ER if need be, but he doesn’t want to do that and I’m not sure if that is needed or not.

    I’ve told him repeatedly to let me know about any changes/pain etc, but he didn’t tell me or anyone else about this. Does anyone have any thoughts or advice as to getting this looked at over the weekend? Or can it wait till Monday if it doesn’t get any worse by then?

    Thanks and my best to you all.



    Hi Lainy,

    Yes getting out for a break was good and I am going to try and get out a bit more if I can, and the burger was really good! Like you, I do like a good burger and the pub we were in did 53 different types! Next time we are going for an Indian curry, hopefully next week.

    You are so right about seeing certain things like meeting old friends perk dad up. He was really chatty when I picked him up yesterday and in a good mood. I’m guessing that the same happens with Teddy when he catches up with his friends. And the good day/bad day cycle goes on, today was a bad day, spent in bed and dad was sick and didn’t make it to the bathroom. He’s a bit better tonight and looking forward to tomorrow.

    The plan to get to the sea-life centre is to go on Monday, and if that is one of dads bad days then we will go Wednesday, and if not that day then try Thursday. I am determined to get him to go as you are right in that it would be a good day out for us all and would make a sorely needed change from the usual day to day stuff.

    Thanks Lainy, my best as always to you both.


    PS – You are sooo right about them listening to others before us! No doubt this is something that you have experience with in regard to Teddy!


    Hello, Gavin. Very sorry to hear dad is not doing well and is more Jaundiced again and that mum is not that well either, you certainly have your hands full. I am very glad you got out for a little reprieve and had my favorite food in the world, a hamburger! Even with your dad’s ups and downs you can see certain things really perk him up like seeing old friends and that is a good thing. Isn’t it funny how they will listen to others before listening to us??? Isn’t it strange how they seem to have their good and bad days at the same time? I hope you get to take the trek to the Sea-Life Centre, it would be good all of you. Tomorrow is Friday so we know that will be a good day it always seems to be.
    Hang in there you are one of a kind and you will truly blessed in your life.


    Hi Jolene,

    Thank you for your kind words and wishes of peace for my family. I have no idea where your notes went, but thank you also for trying to send them. I’ve had emails before from members here and I still have the same email address so I’ve no idea where they’ve gone, very strange indeed!

    Mums not too good right now as she is not sleeping at all during the nights which is affecting her during the day. I wish she would see the doctor about this but she won’t. Dads jaundice has gotten a bit worse this week and has shown up now in his eyes and face. I spoke with the hospital about this and they passed the information on to his specialist just to keep him up to date. His day care team also know and dad is due for another blood test on Friday. I also spoke with his day care team about any future hospital care if need be and they thought that if his symptoms needed to be managed and monitored then it would be in the local hospice.

    Apart from the jaundice, dad seems to be doing okay I guess. Still eating, drinking more which is good and his mood seems quite good. He had a long talk with one of the head nurses on Tuesday at day care and that seemed to do him some good. He never even went to bed when he came home and said he felt really good. He also went to visit an old friend yesterday which did him some good, they worked together for nearly 50 years so they had a lot to catch up on. Right now we just plan on enjoying the good days when we get them and try to make the most of them. I told the nurse about my idea for going to the sea-life centre and she thought it was a great idea. So she talked to dad about it to help convince him further of the benefits of it so hopefully we will get there next week at some point.

    I’m trying to take some time for myself, not a lot but just if I can. Went out for a burger this week with an old friend from uni, was only for a few hours but it was good to catch up so going to try and get some time next week again for a bite to eat. So looking forward to that.

    Thanks Jolene and you take care also.

    My best wishes to you and your family.




    I’ve tried 3x to send you a note…but I don’t know where they are going…

    in a nutshell, I was sorry to hear that your dad was not feeling well; how are he and your mom doing these days?

    And are you taking some time for you to rejuvinate?

    A shout out to your parents: Well done, Gavin’s mom and dad, for raising such a fine, compassionate and devoted person.

    Take care, friend, and peace be with you and your family,


    Well it is supposed to be good to talk after all, or so the TV adverts used to tell us!



    Thank you for putting my escalating phone bill into perspective in such a positive way – I feel much better about it now ;) ;) ;)


    Hi Julia,

    Chatting away on the phone sounds like a much better day to me! I also hope her improvement continues and that your phone bill continues to rise!

    Best wishes



    Thanks, Gavin – she’s downstairs, chatting away on the phone :) – I think that means she’s feeling better!! :D

    Glad your dad was feeling better yesterday – I hope his improvement continues today.


    Hi Julia,

    Maybe your sister is suffering from Lainy’s See food diet and it’s dreaded after effects! How is she feeling today, any better? My dad was feeling much better yesterday and when I saw him in the morning he was tucking into a bowl of muesli and he had some chicken curry and rice for tea. He was okay last night so I will see how he is this morning. Told him that we could have something lighter for tea but he was adamant that he was having some curry as he was hungry!

    I hope your sister is feeling a bit better today and that her malaise has gone.

    Hi Lainy,

    Wow, thats quite some life Teddy has had and as you say, would have a lot of very interesting stories to tell! He would go down a treat at day care and I’m guessing would also enjoy the food there! Being drafted by the Giants is quite some achievement indeed! I hope the chillies and the wine sauce didn’t play havoc with his stomach yesterday.

    That must be tough when visiting your mum. My grandad, dads dad, had dementia and he stayed with us for a year or so when I was about 14 before he had to go into hospital. I remember how tough it was for mum and dad caring for him. They did their best but it wasn’t easy. Yes the sea life centre would be a good day out, but mum doesn’t think dad will want to go but I think it would do him and indeed all of us good to have a day out, or even just a few hours. Their flat can seem mighty small at times and just getting out would help them I think.

    Yep being neighbours would be good. That way we could have a blether as they say here over the fence!

    Best wishes to you all


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