Update on my father

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    As I said in another post, I convinced my dad to go to the ER for a catheter. They drained over 2 liters out. He came home with the catheter. Monday, we saw an urologist. He kept the catheter in & gave him Flomax & Bethanechol to stimulate the bladder to empty. He’s not having any problems emptying into the catheter, but the dr. wants him to take these drugs for a week & have the home health nurse take out the catheter next Monday & see if, after 4-5 hrs. he urinates on his own. If not, he will need to go back to the urologist to have the catheter insterted, probably permantly, as the dr. believes he may have stretched his bladder too much, with all the urine that came out initally with the catheter. We FINALLY see an oncologist today. I’m making a lenghty list of ?? to ask. His ankles are still very swollen. He is still very much constipated & taking laxatives per the GI dr. We see her Friday of this week. It just seems every dr. gives him new meds & everytime we get one thing fixed, it seems another body part has a problem. He says he feels fine except for the constipation problems & has had a good appetite the last few days. It is so hard on my mom with her RA that she has. I’m doing everything I can to help. I am really encouraging them to come & stay at our home, but they won’t hear of it. My husband is a CPA & it’s been a rough few months, but finally, I have him home & his help, also. I just feel fortunate that I don’t work & do have the time to spend & help my parents.


    Have you discussed the lab results with your Dad’s physician?


    Dear Michelle,
    I’m sorry I don’t have the answers to any of your questions – I do know that you can get very high CA19-9 numbers with this disease but that can be changed so I wouldn’t want to tell you it’s necessarily a bad thing. You mentioned you’re looking for answers and I can empathize with you completely. HOw is your dad doing now? I hope he’s feeling a bit better.


    My dad has had some bowel & urine problems. He has seen the GI dr. & she did bloodwork this past Monday. His bilirubin count is down from 14 in the hospital to 4.3. He doesn’t look jaundiced very much anymore. Right now his problem is that fact that he is not drinking for fear of urinating. I am trying to convince him to let me take him to the ER & get a cathater, but he won’t hear of it. I feel that when it gets too bad, he will finally let me take him to the ER. I was able to finally get all the test results & lab reports from the hospital. I’m very sad to see the CA19-9 level. I knew the dr. in the hospital had told us he did the tumor markers blood work, but we weren’t informed of any numbers. Sadly, the number I am seeing is 18,825. This seems unreal! I have been researching the numbers on this test & I find normals are under 40. I have seen where some people’s are in the low thousands, but this is incredibly high. Has anyone ever heard of a CA19-9 being this high? I’m fearing the end is sooner that we are prepared for.


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