Update on my hubby Gerry

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    Dear Phil,

    My heart breaks for you and Gerry. I’ve been where you are now and know how it feels. I am so sorry you and Gerry are going through this, too. Try to stay strong. It is all that you have right now to get you through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

    Lots of love and hugs for you both.



    Phil…my heart is heavy for you and your family. I wish for strengths in the days to come.
    Hugs and love,


    Phil, you know I am here for you and if you need to email me with questions or what ever like we did before, please feel free.


    I am very sorry but I think Gerry is gravely ill and perhaps whatever treatment he was given he may not respond,he has no reserves and the cancer is progressing rapidly Have you spoken with the social worker at the hospital?…you need support+++ What hospital is he in?
    I wish you strength,you will get through ..take all the help and support that is
    addit no it has nothing to do with the methadone and yes most of his symptoms are due to the liver failing,the albumin will keep falling unfortunately



    Phil, I am so very sorry. I am at a loss for words. If you have ever felt strong before you really have to pull it out now. I know that it is all just so unfair and unjust. I can say this though. When I took Teddy in to ER with an Ecoli infection his BP was 60/45 and they brought him to with antibiotics in just a few hours. All my thoughts are with you and your family and I am sending the strongest prayers over to you that I can! Also sending love and big bear hugs.


    Gerry is struggling for his life, they have put him on IV antibiotics yet again this time Vankomycin, Merapen. While he was in the Palliative hospital he developed an infection “gram negative e-coli”, so they transferred him to another Hospital. Whilst in this hospital he developed another infection “Strepp bacteria”. Apparently he is septic, very confused, slurred speech, and extreme weakness. His INR levels were high so they gave him vitamin K. He is so bloated, and remember he is only a thin man. Now every part of his body has fluid retention. His albumin is only 19. The C reactive protein is high. His LFT;s are still deranged. Does not look very good. I requested for them to put him on TPN feeding but they refused. It all happened on Sunday night, his blood pressure dropped to 72/45, and from then on he just deteriorated. He is unable to speak much. They did give him some Albumin infusion but that does not help a great deal, the Albumin went up to 22. He is still spiking temperatures at night. Today they have started him on a low dose of lasix to reduce the fluid. His billirubin is still high but the GI specialist does not believe that it is due to a blocked bile duct. They have found 3 lesions on the liver and one is a solid mass, they are not too sure if 2 of them are liver abscess.

    (1) Could the overdose of the Methadone have any relation to these events?
    (2) Is the liver shutting down doing into Liver failure?
    (3) Can anything else be done to bring the albumin up again

    I have a very bad feeling that things are not going our way please remember us in your prayers – Godbless you all Phil


    Dearest Phil, do they think he is still loosing blood. Have they checked his Amonia levels? Have they checked for infection? Could the disorientation be from the Meds? I am glad his pain is much better, that is something on the good side. Can the Doctor throw out anything at all to you about what may be going on? Sending you the biggest hugs ever……


    I am just back from the Hospital, Gerry still has fevers, the whole day no fever but towards the night 38.2 when I left the Hospital. Yesterday his Billirubin crept up to 82. I was so scared today as he seemed so confused, and his speech was slurred. He was very dis-oriented and was very sleepy. When we said a pray together he was getting confused with the words (very scary). He would not wake up and the nurse had to shake him up. I asked for the RMO to check him out and the doc has taken some bloods again today. I asked if this was liver failure and the doctor said that it did not look like it but there is definitely something going on. His phosphate levels were low. His BP was 98/57. Saturation was good. Yesterday they also gave him an iron infusion as his iron levels were low. Thanks to everyone. I did ask about oesophageal varices but the doctor did not think so (thanks Marion), He has been on Methadone for his pain and was going well for the past 2 weeks with his pain medication. Do I need to push them to do any further tests, please advise. Has anyone experienced these symptoms?


    Phil…My heart goes out to you and your family. Regarding the blood loss – have esophageal varices been ruled out? Ulcer?


    Thanks Lainy, how very kind of you so early in the morning, It is 5.20 am here and I am wondering what today is going to bring. I so want him “Gerry” to come home and spend some time with the boys. We miss him.

    They tell me that he is loosing blood but they are finding it hard to pin-point from where? the blood transfusions did scare me. He still continues with the fever, hopefully today will be a better day. Warm wishes and Godbless to all


    Hi Phil, here it is 330AM and I woke up, couldn’t fall back asleep and saw your post. Green stools I believe is usually something you ate or Meds. Either way it should be looked in to. Did anyone say why they would not try one of the other 2 Meds? I rememebr one time I ran Teddy to ER and they started him on Leviquin before the culture came back as the ONC said it will do away with almost anything. I would say if it doesn’t start helping by the end of today, you can try demanding! Don’t know how far demands get you over there! I am thinking about you both a ton and just wish you could catch the break that is needed!


    He is still having fevers, his blood Hb has gone gown to 66 and is now having blood transfusions. He seems very weak. For the gram negative e-coli bacteria they have him on TIMENTIN. I did ask about the other medications both Lainy and Percy suggested but they went with Timentin.

    He is unable to empty his bowels real well and his bowel stools are dark green, they tell me that it is due to the iron tablets. Any advise as I am very frightened. Godbless you all Phil

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