Update on my Hubby Gerry – PCT – Help

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    They finally managed to get a second metal stent in via an ERCP. He was done on Wednesday night, Thursday he was OK in some pain no fever. On Friday he started getting a dry mouth, bloating, and is now having a fever. The pain is severe. He is on Fentanyl PCA and Hydomorphone every 4 hours but the pain is still bad. Could it be pancretitis? remember he did have whipples surgery in September 2009. I cannot bear to see him in pain.

    They said the Stenting was a success, urine not dark any more and I really thought that he is going to feel better but seems like the pain is worse. There is a dull pain in his back and a pain in his celiac plexus.

    Is Gabapentyn the nerve pain drug a good one to take as I read this could increase the adenocarcinomas. He is in Hospital. It is 2.30 am and I am rushing to the HOspital, just got a call. Please help me.



    Dearest Phil, hello again! I have been off line for a week as I moved to an apartment and had trouble getting my system up again. I also have a new e mail, lainy65@yahoo.com.
    I am so very sorry to read what you have all been going through. It is so common to have infected stents and Teddy used to have his stents changed every 6 weeks. After his Whipple they put his stent in from the side and he had an external bag for the bile. It was a little inconvenient but it worked well that way. I am not sure if they can stent after a Whippple. Honestly the side stent worked fine. You have never said if you can get other opinions from other Doctors. Phil, listen to your gut and speak up if you feel it’s wrong. I so wish there was something I could say or do to help, just know that I think about you very much. Wishing the best!


    Dear Phil,

    My Dads Metal stent blocked within 6 weeks. They cleaned it out via PCT and also added an additional metal stent. In the end he ended up with 3 metal stents. His CC was in the middle of the Y section of the bile duct. My Dad was kept on a low dose of Ciprofloxin (sp) to keep infections at bay, this worked for my Dad. They did mention alternating antibiotics so the body didn’t become used to them, but he did well on Cipro.

    As with all hospital procedures there is a risk, which they have to tell you about. Dads tumor was very close to arteries, the reason why it was inoperable, his last stent procedure caused alot of bleeding which was visable in the external bag but they said it was normal. Each time Dad had PCT his bilirubin did rise the day after the procedure, they said it was due to inflammation. A few days later his bilirubin started to fall, so don’t be alarmed if this happens. They used to take my Dad back down to theatre a few days after his PCT and run dye through his tube to make sure his stent was working. Once they were sure it was they capped of the external bag.

    We always built Dad up with Boost drinks after his stent procedures. Little and often food wise seemed to help him too.

    Drinking lots of fluids also help with flushing the bile out.

    Thinking of you both



    Please check the 2 emails I sent you.
    After the procedure,if your husband can be discharged,ask for Rx for antibiotics for infection that may follow .
    God bless.


    Hello once again,

    Thank you so much for your assistance, support, and guidance. I went to ER and they started him on IV antibiotics. His LFT’s were really elevated. His billirubin was 110. They feel there is a blockage in the stent but the hospital communication is very poor. I took your advise and asked them all the questions.

    Thery did not do the PCT todaybut promised to do it tomorrow so he is admitted in Hospital. His BP was on the low side and he has fluctuating fevers some pretty high. They have started giving him panadol,

    We were told late this afternoon that the risk to unblocking the stent and re-stenting could cause his livery to bleed and hence it could be fatal. Is this right? If this be the case then why do I read that so many patients get their stents re-done when it is clogged.

    Would an alternate option be to do an ERCP and then put the stent in because now it is localised, initially a stent could not be placed via an ERCP due to his alterter anatomy due to the whipples operation. Now that they already have a stent in, I think it would be much easier and safer to put in a stent via an ERCP. Can this de done please let me know asap as they are trying to have him in theatre tomorrow.

    I am going to see an Oncologist to discuss the chemo regime and will keep you updated. Godbless Phil


    Thank you Percy, Marions and Gavin, taking him to ER will keep you updated. I am ready to fight as I know this is going to be a battle. I feel so helpless, you are my only hope. Percy thanks for your e-mail. It helped me so much. I am printing your e-mail to prompt myself of what I need to ask them.
    God bless you all


    Hi Phil,

    Sorry to hear what Gerry is going through right now with everything. And I know that you are going through such a tough time with all of this as well. Loads of positive thoughts are coming over your way from me and I so hope that you will get some good news from the doctor tomorrow. Please let us know how things go, we are all here for you and we care.




    My reply was sent to you via email as you requested.
    God bless.


    Phil….eventually all stents will block with sludge (or other material) within a few weeks to a few months however; the norm for blocked stents is somewhere around 30 days. If Gary’s stent is plastic then it will be replaced with another plastic stent; if it is metal then it may be cleaned or, at times an additional, plastic, stent can be inserted. Most likely he will also receive antibiotics. Make sure that his blood is being cultured.
    Phil, do not hesitate from taking Gary to the Emergency and definitely do so if his temperature exceeds 100.1 degrees. They will then have to deal with him immediately.
    Hang in there.
    Hugs are heading your way,


    I am going mental with the run around I have had, apologies for not updating you earlier, I have had not much sleep, Gerry has been in Hospital for the past 5 weeks and then we have been running around with MRI’s, blood tests etc. I feel that I am not coping with work, kids and Gerry, please pray for us.

    Now about Gerry, it was very difficult as the doctors could not make up their mind as to what they wanted to to
    (1) Operate (2) PCT and just kept putting it off and on hold while Gerry got sicker and I had to scream and make such a noise and finally they put in a metal stent as they found it a safer option due to the location of the tumour. The stent was put in on 23rd March after a long agonising wait. We are now in the care of palliative care.

    Gerry ofcourse has lost so much weight and is pretty weak. He was going OK after the stent but now has started having a temperature/fever and his urine again has started to discolour and his eyes are slightly yellow (jaundiced). I am at my wits end. I cannot believe that it has hardly been 6 weeks after the stent and he seems to be having these symptoms. I only hope the stent is not blocked or the tumour has not grown all over the stent. What am I supposed to do?

    Today we had a blood test and tomorrow we are back at the palliative doctor. The frustrating bit is that they take so long to action anything. In your experience can antinbiotics fix any infection/inflammation? If the tumour has blocked the stent is there anything that can be done?

    We were told that Chemo can be given to Gerry but the doctors feel that it may not do him any good. I do not know where to go. My sons are so devastated and I am exhausted.

    The stent is on the right side of the biliary duct.

    I do hope you and your families are well, I do not get on the webiste as I am struggling with time as my son also needs care. He is doing OK. Please pray for us.
    Take care,


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