Update on my Mum

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    All sounds very good. I wish I still had the stomach to drink champagne everyday. It sounds so glamorous. The trip sounds like it was a very special medicine for your mother. Take care.



    Thanks Lainy and Andrea for your messages. I know that it won’t always be like this but it is so nice for Mum as she was so scared before she started chemo and her feeling OK has calmed her state of mind.

    Andrea, yes Mum was in from 9am to about 3pm for her first day of gem/cis but next dose will only take a couple of hours so they say. I stayed with her for about an hour but then she told me to go as there didn’t seem any need for me to be there and the nurses kept her smiling, brought her drinks, biscuits, sandwiches, magazines etc etc ! I just went back to fetch her at the end of the day.
    I really hope that your Dad starts his chemo on the 2nd. It is so good to finally be getting something done….

    best wishes



    Hi Jemima,

    So glad you and your Mom had a wonderful time on holiday. I have been thinking about your Mom and whether she had started her treatment. I’m really pleased she has and hope that she continues to feel well whilst on it.

    My Dad has got a start date of Thursday 2nd September. Fingers crossed his bilirubin behaves. It was 68 last week so only 18 to go before Chemo can start. That gives him 2 weeks and he does seem to be getting lighter by the day in colour. He has a scan tomorrow to be used as baseline for when they re scan again in 3 months.

    Is your Moms first day an 8 hour day of Chemo? My Dad is having Gem/Cis too, and was told his first day he would be there 8 hours and day 8 would be a shorter day. How did your Mom cope with that? Did anyone stay with her?

    Best wishes to you and your family. Please keep us updated.

    Andrea x


    Jemima, it doesn’t get much better than that! Glad to hear the trip was such a success. Mmmm Champagne every day sounds good to me. Gosh I just feel so happy for you and your family. Nice!


    Hi all

    I seem to have been away from here for ages as somehow since getting back from our holiday in France there has been very little time to do anything but look after the children and take Mum to appointments.

    Anyway, we had a fabulous time ine France. Mum spent the first week with a really old friend of hers and they spent the whole time visiting friends and family and drinking champagne every day !

    Then the second week we met back up again and this time we were with Mum’s French family and both my brother’s were there too (they live abroad) and all her grandchildren, cousins, 2nd cousins etc etc. It was wonderful and she had such a great time. There was only one morning when she felt a bit unwell but a couple of hours sleep and she was raring to go again !

    Going away really was the best thing we could have done as she came back with much more of a fighting spirit which she just hadn’t had before.

    When we got back to Wales she had an appointment at the Chemo Clinic in Carmarthen so we went there, got all the information, signed all the forms and got a date set for the 19th August to start chemo.

    So we are now on day 4 post-chemo and so far so good. I know it is very early days but she is feeling really well. A little tired and occasionally light-headed but no nausea (presumably due to the anti-nausea drugs).

    I have decided to get her to follow (more or less) Andy’s supplements regime and she is doing really well with these, is enjoying the smoothie and she looks amazing ! Better than I do infact…. The only thing she had to change was drinking the smoothie earlier in the day as it was keeping her from sleeping (I think probably from the ginseng in it !).

    So at the moment we are all really positive although I know that tomorrow could be very different, and after her second dose on Thursday too.
    She is having gem/cis on a 2 weeks on 1 week off cycle so we will see how it goes.

    best wishes to you all


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