Update on our fundraiser for ccf

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Update on our fundraiser for ccf

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    This is soooo exciting; such great ideas.


    Maybe we can team up and get something started!! There are a few of us in the area. I can’t remember who (darned sieve brain) but there’s someone around Easton on the NJ side. And I think 1 or 2 others within 50 miles or so.
    Depending on how I feel starting with this dang radiation, it might be a good thing to try to do in the fall??? There are parks all over the place where we can rent pavillions. Maybe even find a cancer foundation that will donate their area.. We have a Gilda Radnor place near me. I don’t know what they do yet, but I’ll check them out. Maybe I can get some help from them with ideas.
    And I belong to a motorcycle club. Maybe we could figure out how to incorporate it with that, too.
    One idea might be to talk to a bar that has a bike night and see if we could expand it one night and have a band, fundraising, etc…. worth a shot, maybe???
    Maybe we can talk about that when we meet tomorrow!! Looking forward to it.


    WOW! Betzee, I have to tell you that my Teddy had a club downtown Milaukee for 5 years called The Doll House and he helped give Al Jarreau his start and helped him pay for college! Last June my daughter and I went to see Al perform here and he sent me the tickets and passes for backstage but my mission was to tell him about Teddy. He said, “Why do all the good ones go young?”. But will never forget our visit. Keep on Jazz’in. Music keeps you young and feeling good! Your offer is such a terriffic idea. My dream is to someday see us have one big convention where we could all meet each other!

    betzeegirl wrote:
    My husband (the one with CC) and I are professional jazz musicians, and we could provide music for CC fundraising events on the east coast (we live in NJ)–just a thought!!!

    How wonderful!

    As i said above, i will be helping people plan events for ccf. Can you contact me so i can have your info for a resource for those in the area? That would be wonderful.


    My husband (the one with CC) and I are professional jazz musicians, and we could provide music for CC fundraising events on the east coast (we live in NJ)–just a thought!!!


    You will be seeing more of me regarding fundraisers ;)

    Talked to stacie today and i am thrilled to be volunteering for ccf helping others plan fundraisers. The wheels in my head are already turning…fast!


    goodhearted…..I applaud you for a job well done and for your willingness to help others in their fundraising efforts.
    Many of us contemplate putting on an event like that however; we are likely to get stuck in the details.
    With your help we may just see big changes coming about.


    Fantastic! Thanks for working so hard to raise money for a cure! Hugs. Nancy


    Thanx for the quick response! I’ll send you an email and we can set up a time to talk on the phone.

    I would love to benefit from your knowledge and i think the “to cure cholangiocarinoma” is a great slogan!

    Looking forward to chatting.


    You can shoot me an email if you would like and i can send you my phone number so we can chat if you would like. I would absolutely love to see more events around the country.

    It was quite a bit of work but so worth it. I had a lot of volunteers, several of whom secured sponsor money and prizes. On top of that, we had about 70 volunteers (more than we needed, but it was still wonderful). We did a 5k walk/run and 1 mile walk. There was no entry fee; donations only, but i think we made more money that way.

    i had to figure a lot of it out on my own and with the help of google. I am excited to use what i learned to help others plan these events. We can’t find a cure without raising money and awareness!

    Let me know how you would like to talk so i can help.

    I think it would be awesome to use “to cure cholangiocarcinoma” as our slogan and use the memorial name and event in front (like the tim hargis race to cure cholangiocarcinoma, sue smith cycle to cure cholangiicarcinoma, etc)


    I would love to organize an event like this in my local area. How did you go about getting started with this?



    Thank you so much goodheartedmommy!! What a great event and my utmost thanks to you and everyone else who were involved with this, thanks so much once again!!




    goodhearted…..wonderful event. I wish that I could have joined in the fun.

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