Update on our good friend

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Update on our good friend

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    Thank you PCL for that advice. Both parents died of other cancers in their early 60’s. Their are a goodly number of much younger people in the family that also have had malignancies. Two brothers have similar dietary patterns and live nearby.

    Yes it was an extremely late diagnosis. He had been under doc orders to lose 100 lbs to help control his diabetes and had lost 85 lbs in one year with no monitoring or nutritional counseling. I was concerned about his intake. He also complained of tiredness a lot to us for several years but not to his doc. Thankfully few others posting here have this kind of scenario.

    We are so grateful for our visit and it happened just a week before visits were stopped and on a day when he was feeling much better after a transfusion.

    I want to thank all of you for responding. He has been in our lives for a long time and is family to us.



    Take care and thanks for caring your friends.
    BTW, if I may suggest,especially to the spouses of the patients;or caretakers over 50 and live with the patients . It will not be a bad idea for you to have an ultrasound of the liver or abdomen(the cheapest way) or a CT scan with CONTRAST of the abdomen and pelvis. In this way it will eliminate the possibility of environmental factor such as diet(seafood especially),water or air contamination.
    God bless.


    Marcy…I too am sorry to hear the news. It appears that the cancer was diagnosed at a very late stage. My heart is with all affected by this disease and especially, with your friend, his family, and those who love and care for him.
    All my love,


    Dear Marcy, so sorry about the turn of events with your friend. How wonderful that you got to have a visit with him. You know, about the only thing we know for sure about CC is that we really know nothing. As for this Board? I always say the most caring, loving, knowledgable people are all right here and if they could rule the world what a wonderful world it would be! This is the most amazing family!


    Hi Marcy, So sorry to hear your dear friend is not doing well. I am glad your husband and yourself were able to get a good visit in with him. Cholangiocarcinoma works in mysterious ways. Some people in stage 4 go very quickly while others live fairly normally for years. Some respond to treatment some do not. So much we still need to learn to bring us to a cure for all. You and your husband are in my thoughts. Take care. Nancy


    It has been two months now since my husband’s best friend was diagnosed. He had a stable period of about two weeks this month with no hospitalizations and the ability to tolerate a small dose of chemo. As of yesterday we received news that he is now unable to walk or stand and is very weak. He is eating very little. We don’t know how long this will go one but it is stunning to me that a person diagnosed two months ago could be in this place in his life. He had just retired at age 61, bought a new french horn, and had all sorts of plans for his life. I am thankful for the little things now, that he has no children to grieve his loss, that he is not in pain, that he has a lot of good friends and a loving brother and sister-in-law that are giving him the best of care. She is a nurse so so far he is cared for at their home. I read this board and am amazed at the courage of those who are early stages and enduring treatments and those of you that are supporting family and friends with this disease. When my husband got the last email he just put his head down. I am so sad for him and for everyone that has to take time in their lives to slough through this.

    My thoughts are with you all.


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