Update on our son, Jeff

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Update on our son, Jeff

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    Hi Bob and Nancy,

    Jeannemarie and I were so happy to see your post. We thought of you every day, but after not hearing from you for a while, we grew increasingly anxious. How wonderful to hear how well Jeff is doing after all this time. Of course, we know the disease takes its course, but through it all Jeff continues to be an inspiration to all of us. His attitude reflects his strong faith, as well as a strength of character instilled in him by you. I’m glad you continue to build important memories together…something I want to emphasize with my own family.

    Please keep us posted, and we will continue to lift you up in our thoughts and prayers.

    Mark and Jeannemarie


    Your son is an inspiration to all. Wishing you all the best…your neighbor over in Rancho Palos Verdes :)


    Dear Bob and Nancy, you have raised an incredibly thoughtful and considerate young man who is caring and sensitive. That is commendable in this world of self centered egotistic people. The job of raising a proper human being is complex and difficult, and your finished product is a reflection of you both, you must be outstanding beautiful people yourselves. I wish you many more special memories together, Pat


    Hi Bob & Nancy,
    I, too, wish for some good news for Friday! What an amazing young man, to say a prayer for others whom he meets. That’s a wonderful gift he has.
    I will be waiting to hear about the great results!


    Hi Bob and Nancy,

    Thanks for your update on Jeff. And that is great to hear that you were all in Hawaii and I know that you will all have had a great time! I’ve never been there but it sounds like a brilliant place to make some special treasured memories for you. What a trooper your Jeff is. And “hot wheels” Ha!! I will have to remember that and get a set for my mum!!

    My fingers, toes and everything else will be crossed for Jeff on Friday and like you both, I too hope for some favourable results. Loads of positive thoughts are coming your way from me and please let us know how Jeff gets on with that. We are here for you.




    Dear Bob and Nancy,

    Thank you for the update on Jeff. I think of you all often. I hope that the scan this Friday has some great results.

    I can’t think of a better place to make wonderful memories then Hawaii. I am sure you have bunches of pictures and great memories from that trip.

    Your description of Jeff touched me deeply. He sounds like an amazing son and I am sure you are extremely proud of him.



    Sounds like a fabulous trip with your wonderful and compassionate son. Thanks fur the update and I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.


    Dear Bob & Nancy and the Honorable Jeff with his Hot Wheels. Your trip to Hawaii brought back some wonderful memories for me with Teddy. He served in Korea and as a Serviceman had always wanted to see Pearl Harbor. I think it was about 2 years before he Passed, we finally went and took the Island Cruise as that was what he could handle. It was fabulous! These Memories we make serve well to maintain our comfort zone. Your Jeff is a true Super Hero, a wonderful human being and I just bet he has a smile that goes from ear to ear. I am wishing for you to get some good news on Friday, you and Jeff sure deserve it. Looking forward to Friday.


    Bob and Nancy….your Jeff is an inspiration to all and so are his parents and I hope and wish for Friday’s scan to show positive response to the current treatment.
    The Hawaii trip sounds like a huge success for your Jeff and for yourself. Hot wheels is a much better description for the ordinary “wheel chair.” I will remember that.
    Also I meant to ask, had Jeff been able to go to the Special Olympic State Bowling Tournament in Sacramento?
    This board brings together some of the most unique and loving people. We are honored to know of your sweet son, Jeff.
    Please continue to keep us in the loop – we care and we are in this together.


    Hi CC Family,
    Since our last post, Jeff has had 4 chemo infusions of Taxol at 3 week intervals. His next PET/CT scan is set for this Friday. We are hoping and praying for some favorable test results.

    In mid-May, we were blessed to be able to take Jeff to Hawaii. He used his wheelchair (which he has named “hot wheels”) most of the time. While he wasn’t able to get up and do the hula, he was able to enjoy an occassional mai tai with his family and friends. He had a wonderful time and we have treasured memories of our time with Jeff.

    His last infusion was on 5/30 and at that time, his WBC count was elevated and his Calcium levels were way way up. He needed extra hydration and a calcium bonding agent called Zometa biophosphate. When we went back for another blood draw on 6/3, his blood levels were back to normal.

    Nancy and I have seen a gradual increase in Jeff’s symptoms with fatigue, nausea and some pain. Still, he has an amazing positive attitude. He is continuing to go to work, most days, but isn’t able to get around as easily.

    Jeff is an amazing man of Faith. Whenever he sees or hears of someone not feeling well, he always says a little prayer for them. It is just touching to see this young developmentally disabled young man, who has lost most of his hair from chemo, nauseous, fatigued and in pain, sitting in his wheelchair praying for others and being concerned for others well-being.

    Bob & Nancy

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