Update on Peter

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Update on Peter

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    Prayers and energy to you both!! Jeff, you and Peter have given us all so much hope and strength! My heart aches for you both. I so admire the courage and faith that you men have shown us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel so selfish saying this to you both but please keep fighting for us we all need you. May God Bless you and give you strength and peace. sending hugs, deb


    Passed on by Bob Metz…. Peter’s surgery was completed. Doctor remains cautiously optiomistic if peter will be able to eat and drink. This Morning Peter is awake and asked the phone calls be kept to a minimum and he will not be doing no posting at present. His foucus and energery is going to recovery and feeling better soon. Prayers and energy are very much welcomed. My Prayers and energy have been sent to this man of wisdom and strenght. Build on your inner peace and strenght my friend. You have a loving mission to accomplish.
    God Bless,

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