Update on Swissgirl’s dad

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    Great news indeed and I hope for continued good progress in your dads recovery. My dad also had quite a lot of bouts of the hiccups and they were very uncomfortabe, especially if they lasted for some time which they did for him. We couldn’t find anything that really worked for my dad so I hope Lainy’s suggestion works well for your dad.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Congratulations. Your Dad is on his way to recovery. My husband also suffered from hiccups although, they came intermittently, only. He made sure to walk around although, slowly, working up to a little bit more often as time went on. While coughing he made sure to hold a pillow against his tummy and a light sedative helped him sleep a bit better. I assume that your Dad is taking some pain medication which may cause constipation something, we solved with the use of stool softeners about 1/2 before intake of his meals. As Lainy has mentioned, an anti-acid may help prevent the long bouts of the hiccups.
    I am wishing for his recovery continues to be a speedy as it has shown to be already.
    Best wishes,


    Fantastic news. Lets hope Lainys tip gets rid of those hiccups!



    Thanks for the hiccup recommendation. Rx he was given hasn’t worked so I’ll try what you suggested (you never know until you try). Yeah, I still can’t get over how fast he got out – but I’ll take any positives I can get.


    That is really great, only 6 days?? Oh boy do we know hiccups. Teddy hiccupped for 6 months non stop, nothing worked no RX nothing! They just wore him down while he was healing. Finally talked to a Pharmacist who said you haven’t tried Brioschi?? IT is much like Alka Seltzer and in a blue bottle at Walgreen’s or CVS. After 1st dose, hiccups left and have never come back! We are still in disbelief. If you go to our search engine and type in Briosche I am sure my posts on it will appear. Hiccups are not a laughing matter they are very uncomfortable. Good luck. Wow only 6 days post, that is great.
    P.S. In the beginning Teddy’s back was also sore. Nature of the beast. Whipple is the most major of surgeries and all will take time to heal.


    I am happy to report we got dad out of the hospital 6 days post whipple. We are still waiting for the pathology report but are so glad he didn’t have any major complications.

    So far he hasn’t been able to sleep very well nor get rid of the hiccups for any long period of time. Any suggestions? Also, he says his back is sore and he can’t get comfortable. Has anyone had similiar experiences with this?

    Thanks again for everyone’s well wishes.

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