Update: Sorry for so long

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Update: Sorry for so long

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    Thank you guys…he was giving the nurses a hard time in the infusion room today, we might need to start praying for them!! LOL

    We know it is a roller coaster and yes we will enjoy the postive news. WE have a new normal now and we just have to make the best out of it! I think yall know what i mean!!



    Definitely sounds like things are headed in the right direction. The bilirubin at .4 is awesome along with the tumor markers going down. Time for the up side of this roller coaster for a while. And a great time to celebrate all the good things!



    Heather…. the drop of tumor markers combined with the overall well being of your husband makes for great news. Congratulations.


    Hi Heather and thanks for the update. It sure is sounding good to me! It’s like game of hunt and peck until you find the right one for you. Gordon seems to be doing really good and the ONCs sound hopeful now as well. Enjoy this ride UP the roller coaster and wishing you all the very best come Nov. 18th. Hoping for good news for the Holidays!


    HMM where to begin, so Aug 20th Gordon went in to have a liver resection, surgeon said nope, his liver was in bad shape.

    The next week we talked to Javle and Vauthey at mda. They are not giving up hope for surgery. He will be reelvaulated after the next chemo regimin

    The chemo regimin was supposed to be FOLFORI AND Erbitux but the insurance wouldnt pay for the Erbitux so he has been on FOLFORI since the end of September. We are heading back to MDA on Nov 18th for scans, appt…yall know the drill…hoping for positive news.

    Gordon had his stents removed and a drain put in, he has had no infections. The drain was very hard at first, had to be changed alot. But now my husband is doing amazing. He has lost alot of weight but isn’t losing anymore and finally gaining some back…diagnoses 235 now 202. His beliruben is .4 never been this good.

    After surgery we were doing alot of back and forth to Houston from austin for procedures for the drain. but discovered we are very happy with a IR in Austin. Very nervous about his next appt but at peace with whatever is said. We have adjusted some to this “new normal” And he hasn’t had any pain, problems with the drain or fever in about 6 wks!! This makes this women very happy…priorities do change don’t they?

    Oh and with this last regimin his CA 19-9 was 27000 now its 6000 going on 4th treatment on MOnday…does this mean its shrinking?? this is good news right? I never paid attention to tumor markers really well on his last regimins….

    Location of tumor the surgeon discovered tht the tumor is pushing up against his diaphram which is pushing up again his peracardium. They said it just needs to shrink a little…be we will know more in November.


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