Urgent help needed blood infection

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    Avelox,Levaquin,Cipro belongs to the same family of fluroquinolones with Cipro being the most cost effective treatment for the same indication.
    the minor difference will be the side effects.;
    God bless.


    They gave me Levaquin as part of my broad spectrum antibiotics everytime I had a blood infection, also. It seems to work wonders.


    SharonLee, ask them about Levequin. That is the ONLY one that knocked it out of the ball park! Also Teddy’s ONC told ER to put him on it before the cultures were done as it would knock anything out. By the way he had no side effects from it either.


    first Mom was on Avelox 400 mg for 10 days
    next ciprofloxacin HCL 500 mg for 5 days
    i will find out more today
    Thank you Lainy for your support


    Sharon, I am so sorry to hear this mish mash. As if you are not going through enough! We learn to become strong here very quickly at times. Are they going to re do the culture? Do you know what RX they put Mom on? What hospital is she being treated at? Hang in there and be strong.


    I still continue with the blood infection subject. On Thursday the hospital called and said there was a positive reading and to get Mom back to the hospital. After speaking with the oncologist they said to start the broad spectrum antibiotic at home. We started them on Friday. On Sunday the hospital said they did not get ANOTHER positive reading so this may be contamination. OMG, nothing is clear. Everything is ???? I do know that Mom’s temperature flucuates quite a bit 97 to 101 this weekend. There are so many things to worry about; the illness, the stent, the port that is not working properly. I hope to get clarification of the blood infection issue tomorrow. Thanks for listening and for always helping me.


    Each time my husband ended up in the hospital w/an infection (no matter where it was coming from) they always started him on ‘broad spectrum’ antibotics until they were able to grow a culture and find out what antibotic will be effective against the infection. This is standard protocol.

    It generally takes 3 – 5 days (or longer) to grow and isolate the virus/bug that is causing the infection. The broad sprectrum antibotics will help in slowing the progression and your Mom should start feeling better within 23-48 hours after starting the antibotics.

    Once they get the right antibotics your mom should be able to go home and continue the antibotics via home health care. Generally the IV antibotic course is about 6 weeks, and in some cases they can even use an oral antibotic course.

    Hope all goes well with your mom. Prayers are coming her way from Wisconsin.

    (Widow of Thomas G. Lepp who passed away on 11/20/2011, after a 3 yr 8 mth battle with Cholangiocarcinoma)


    Sharon: I was diagnosed in March 2011 and had my first surgery in April. Since then I’ve had at least 2 if not 3 blood infections. My onc says to call the office if my temp is over 101.5. Of course this almost always happens at night. They have always told me to go to the ER and start IV antibiotics. The last one was during the day and my temp was 103. After I was released from the hospital the last time I had a visit from visiting nurses and they showed me how to self administer antibiotics thru my port. If your mom has a port it’s pretty easy. Needleless syringes are a godsend!!


    Sharon, I thinnk this is so scary to us as we have not encountered it ever before and the temps and chills are horrible. Once you have been through it you will know what to do should it happen again. I think the cultures take about 5 days to develop. Just remember that it is not an issue that cannot be fixed. It is one of our bumps in the road. Hope you and your Mom have a better weekend.


    I want to say thank you to the wonderful people who help me take care of my Mom. I spoke to the oncologist office last night and waited until morning to check the situation again. The oncologist prescribed an antibiotic (broad spectrum) for at home after they saw blood work from the hospital. I do not think all cultures were complete. We may have to address this again soon, but I hope i can get through the weekend without a panic. Bless you and have a good weekend.


    Sharon, do not wait! Especially if she has 103 temperature. Please take her in now, it will not harm but will only help! Why take a chance of a higher fever or something else going wrong. Our ONC used to say if Teddy ran anything over 101 to take him right in. They need to start the IV antibiotic ASAP. Good luck.
    P.S. I am sorry, I re read your post, if she has no temp and they said it can wait, I guess so. I just would rather be safe then sorry. If she goes in the Meds would already be working by morning!


    Thank you Lainy
    I hope it’s okay to wait until morning to take Mom to the hospital.
    Are there symptoms with this that she will have now.
    I am now going to review your other posts.
    Please forgive me Lainy if you have to tell me again.
    I really get upset.


    Sharon, please look up posts from last few of your questions as I had posted on this 3 times and am afraid you may be missing the posts. Teddy used to get the blood infections and I had mentioned that they need to do a blood culture. He did end up on IV 2 times and each time was for about 4 days in the hospital. It’s another glitsch in the road but can be taken care of with the right meds. Sometimes it is the only way to get rid of these nasty infections.


    Can anyone tell me about blood infections. I took Mom on Monday to the emergency room with a temp 103. Today they say she has a blood infection and she need antibiotics by intervenous.
    Please help if you can if you anything
    Thank you

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