Discussion Board Forums General Discussion VERY CONFUSED???? NEED ANSWERS:(

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    Hi Lainy,

    I have been reading up alittle on your T & please accept my condolences. It must of been very hard for you to lose the one you share your life with, my heart really goes out to you:( I hope you are able to fight for the truth & for T.

    7 Weeks today since my dad passed & I miss him so much, I just want a cuddle from my dad & for him to tell me that everything will be fine. I do honestly hope he is in a nice place & does know that mum is going to be ok, I have been to his grave since we found out about Mum’s misdiagnoses & cried an ocean telling him, I never thought the pain of losing a parent could & does hurt so much, I just feel so sorry for my parents that their last few years & in particular my dad’s were filled with this untruth, time can’t ever be given back & nothing will ever replace the stress caused by this. Just seems unreal to think unless the kind dr that did my mum’s recent ERCP noticed & had the decency to be honest, just a shame they couldn’t of been honest a little sooner!!!

    Nikki x



    Thank you for your comforting messages, it indeed is a very sad time for us & added strain now we are dealing with this. We are currently awaiting for a CT scan & will be seeking a 2nd opinion for sure. I’m just stunned that the drs couldve got it so wrong & more confusing as to how the cancer was confirmed with a biospies result???? thats the more worrying part that it was confirmed by a lab result?? How can they of made a mistake like that & if the result is from my mums sample how could a cancer be found & positive result then be told to the patient & then 4.5 years on find out that this mistake has been made? I feel for everyone on this site going through this terrible cancer. I took it very hard when my mum got diagnosed & spent along time coming to terms with the knowlegde that my mum was dying, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone & sadly most on this site know full well what im talking about, I spent alot of time researching in those early days & got very upset as it seemed there was no hope left but to enjoy what time we had left. Also since this has now come to light her original Oncologist is now refusing to see my mum?? why would he do that & doesn’t he think that after all this time he should have the balls to see her & offer an explantion?

    Nikki x


    nikpiks……I am so sorry to hear your of the loss of your dear Dad. His passing believing for your Mom to have an incurable disease makes things even more tragic. I am so sorry to hear of the horrible mistake made. My heart goes out to you and your family.
    For me obtaining a second or more opinions from those physicians familiar with this cancer has taken on a new meaning. It is an absolute must.
    With time I am hoping for your heart to begin to heal. Thank you for sharing this incredible story and please, stay in touch. We care.
    With love,


    I totally understand, which is why I said you need to collect all her files and have a “new” ONC explain what he sees to you. Believe me, I know what it is to fight the establishment as I have my own war going on now with the way Hospice here did NOT take care of Teddy at the end. It was inhumane. That is why I would get another opinion. Not sure what you can do with that in UK but it may give some type of closure. Please keep in touch.


    Thank you Lainy!

    Can I just say that however it comes across, i’m pleased that my mum is still here & maybe all clear, but the rawness of the emotions of the last 4.5 years is almost to much to bare. I miss my dad so so much & the pain is awful,to hear this so soon after was not funny at all!! Myself I just feel stunned!! I get through each day half the time in a dream I think, i’m finding this all abit to much to be honest.

    N x


    If I may suggest; and if the diagnosis is just “stones in the common bile duct” ,then I will say,your father ,in heaven now,is in deed still looking after his soul mate since 1954.
    Stones are not cancer and can be removed easily.And based on the length of time that your mother had the original diagnosis ,no medications taken and so few stents changes and CA19-9 is so low with regard to her ductal CC since Jan.2007.I will say ,if the current diagnosis holds true after other testing, this will be the best gift for your mom and your family .
    God bless.


    Dear Niknips, What an ordeal you have all been through. My first suggestion would be that no matter what happens on this next visit to the doctor for your Mom, I would definitely get another opinion, just to make sure that what ever is told to you is backed up by someone else.
    I don’t believe your Dad died worrying about your Mom as he knew she was in good hands with you. He even confirmd that with you.
    Yes, I would gather all her files and try to get to a knowledgable Doctor who has treated CC and ask for a consultation and have him explain what he thinks happened.
    I am so very sorry all this happened to you, it is quite a story. Please stay in touch with us and let us know how your Mom is getting along. Wishing you the best and of course my heartfelt sympathies on your dad.



    Im new to this site & need some answers. My Mother was diagnosed with a unresectable Klatskin tumor with Mats spread to nodes & diaphragm in Jan 2007, this only came about as she suddenly turned yellow. She had Private CT (I’m in UK) ECRP + Stent insertion at local NHS Hospital & they said she had a Klatskin tumor the size of a plum at the right & left bifucation of the heptic ducts & biospys samples taken. She also had laparoscopic surgrey to see if resection was suitable. Unfortunately it wasn’t & chemo & radiotherapy were not at all effective, so I sat there with my parents & listened to the words TERMINAL & a less than 12months survival prediction. Over the next few weeks Macmillan nurses were briefed & local cancer hospice informed. Mum made the disicion that she wanted to die at home & as a family we bravely agreed we would care as much as we could to carry out her last wishes. We were then told that the Macmillan nurses would help with pallative care. So as you can imagine we had some extremely sad months ahead, doing all the last holidays, birthdays etc. We remained hopefully as mum wasn’t in any kind of pain & came together as a family so much. Sadly this all took a terrible strain on my dad & on 1 of the hoildays July 2007 he had a car accident as he had a blood clot on the brain. His health seemed to deterioate from then. He so desperately used to search for articals in newspapers for cancer cure & tried every little tip going. Mum was 74 when diagnosed & dad was 77, they had been married since 1954 & were soul mates. That was 1 of the saddest 12 months spent. By Jan 2008 mum was still wasn’t experiencing any symptoms, jaudice had never returned & ca 19-9 were stable at 60-66 & mum felt absolutely fine, stent still in place & working well. Oncology simply resassured us & rebooked to see her in 3months which was the normal since intial diagnoses. As time started to pass each visit to oncology was the same , all was well no symptoms & CA19-9 gradually decreasing. I can remember every appt as mum would fret terribly a week before going incase they told her things were starting to happen, so each time her oncologist said All Good she was over the moon & kept thanking her lucky stars. She prayed every night & tried to live as good a life as she could, being told you are dying takes a terrible toll on someone, so each time we were grateful she was still here. 2 years after diagnoses & still all was well, I asked her oncologist if she should be rescanned to see how big the tumor was & to see what the Mats in her diaghragm were doing. He felt that while she was well it was best to leave her as she was & keep up with regulary Oncology appt. Life carried on & y this time my dad’s health got worse & meant he had to stop driving, he got worse after that & as mum was doing so well , it was almost as if she had to take a step backwards & as a family we started to help my dad , as by this time he needed care & mum was still fit & healthy & very well. Let now bring you to Feb 2011, Mum still here without any cancer treatment apart from intinial stent insertion in 2007, She started to feel very unwell & had an ear infection, after antibiotics she still didn recover very well & her GP did some blood tests , she was booked into hospital for stent replacement as her bloods were showing signs that the stent had blocked. This was 6th April & once stent had been replaced she bounced back to health, this was good as unfortunately although mum being the 1 with terminal cancer, my dad’s health was sadly getting worse. He went into hospital for camera down his throat to try & see why he wasn’t eating, they couldn’t find what was wrong & they did umpteen tests to try & find a cause, my dad sadly died on 16th May & had said to me a few days before “look after your mum with cancer” We were in bits & the last 6weeks since then has been a total blurr. My mum had an appt with the consultant who did the ERCP & replaced her stent. He then dropped 1 almighty bombshell ” I think your original diagnose of Cholangiocarinoma/klatskin tumor is clearly a mistake” He went on to say that “she in fact had a very large Common Bile Duct Stone stuck & a short sticture that was completely benign given the fact she was sitting in front of him 4 & half years after diagnoses & with CA19-9 levels of 40″ Omg!!! this was 39 days after my lovely father had passed & we were & are still gripped in the early stages of grief with that, now to have to listen to him say ” I can’t understand after 18months that you weren’t rechecked” A??? he then said ” I’m requesting this is investigated by the board & you are re-diagnosed” as it was clear to him it was CBD stones not cancer. I have since requested my mother’s GP notes & see her & my fathers GP were aware of this in April 4 weeks before my father died. If they had been honest as notes state pt is unaware she has large stone in CBD. 7 weeks tomorrow since dad left us & I have a 1000 questions, How did this happen & do they realise what pain my mother endured living her last months out as she wished, planning her funeral & watching her 2 daughters heart break& watched her grandchildren’s last christmas plays??? How can so many drs , surgeons get this wrong?? she was supposed to have had confirmation from biospies??? how can that be correct then?? CA19-9 now of 40 is within normal range??? we are awaiting an appt for a CT scan & no doubt things will become clearer. Im so sorry for my dad as he died still worried that his lovely wife was dying of cancer. Someone needs to answer some q,s here as at this very moment, we are a family grieving & now having to deal with a possible misdiagnoses:( Sorry its long but hopefully you might have some advice to give xx

    Thank you x

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