very frustrated

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! very frustrated

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    Hi Glenda,

    Glad to hear that you heard back from the doctors office after you vented here, that shows that venting really does work! In all seriousness, please do not worry about posting in the wrong section, I’m just glad that are posting on the site, so keep on posting!

    I too hope that you have no major issues before the 7th and I am glad that you have numbers to call both in and out of hours. Remember that we are all here for you too.

    Best wishes,



    Thanks Nancy, I am following their directions on the #’s to call both during and after office hours. It does worry me that we are so far away from that hospital and the local dr’s have no idea what to do, that if we have something that needs to have us start driving to Baltimore as soon as possible we’re going to be wasting hours to find out from them that yes we need to head down there.

    I’m hopeful that we have no major issues before the 7th and perhaps get a better idea then from the Dr on when to get worried and when not to. His discharge sheet said that any leakage around his tube was reason to call immediately.



    Glenda, So glad you heard from the Dr’s office. That is frustrating and stressful! Maybe find out from them the best protocol on contacting someone and when it would be necessary to visit the emergency department. Best wishes. Nancy


    I guess I just needed to vent and I get results! Dr’s office called as soon as I finished typing the last note.


    So, call to after hours emergency was never returned last night. Call today to Dr. Pawlik’s office finally returned just to say the nurse manager would call and that’s been several hours.

    How worried should we be about

    1) the site of the stent leaking?

    2) He has used all of the flush syringes they sent home with him at the hospital, his stent seems to clog daily, his normal medical dr here knows nothing about them or where to get them. The pharmacies around here don’t have them (took an empty one with him), first attempt by his local dr to call in a prescription for them resulted in just a box of empty syringes?? Are we supposed to buy saline solution just anywhere and fill them and does that matter?

    Has anyone else who has been to Dr. Pawlik found it so very difficult to talk to anyone who can answer a question?

    And sorry, I realize this isn’t really an introduction wasn’t sure where I should post it tho.

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