Vickis Daughter

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    I’ve only been to Atlanta and Savannah (and Dothan, AL), so didn’t think mountains.

    Enjoy the pedis!



    Lol, Catherine! I WISH I was going to some exotic place in the world, but I am a country girl brought up in the state of Ga. We also are going to visit Alabama where we will really be out in the sticks, but nothing could be as remote as where we are now in N. Ga in these beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. A great place to visit the spa and admire nature. A terrible place to be sick like this though I am fine now. Even if I had gone to the hospital Wed night, I’m not sure how confident I would be in a small town hospital and I understand they airlift people to Atlanta if they think they need it. I REALLY didn’t want that.
    Marion, I just sent an email to Dr. Javale’s nurse explaining what happened and said I thought it would maybe be a good idea to fly out and have Dr. Javale do another scan to see what’s up. They are usually pretty good about getting back to me.
    Kelli and I are going to have a pedicure now to celebrate all this being over!! Vicki


    Hi Vicki-

    So sorry that vacation has not been a picture perfect experience, but hopefully a few years from now it will just be an amazing story of surviving and bonding that you two will be able to share.

    My daughter is waiting to hear on funding for a research trip over to Russia next year, so do have to admit that when I first read your daughter’s post, somehow my mind went to that even as a CC patient, you still were traveling around the world to visit the Country of Georgia. As a geography major in college, I still needed to look on a map and see how close it was to Turkey.

    However, now that I realize how off base I was, I agree with others that seeing a doctor would be a good approach. My mother has bronchitis now, and she can’t believe that with CC, mundane things like colds and flu have a right to double whammy you as well, but guess it can happen.

    Love and hugs to you and Kelli,


    Vicki….you may not have to fly to MD Anderson to have this checked out perhaps a phone call will do as well.
    So glad to know you are feeling better.


    Hi Everyone! Thank you all so much for your helpful comments. Last night, after the vomiting FINALLY stopped, I slept, but when I woke up during the night to get up, my whole midriff/stomach area was so sore I could barely walk and nausea threatened to come back with every step
    I feel so sorry for poor Kelli who was here all alone with me and she honestly thought I was going to die. I kinda did, too. But we are up here isolated from everywhere and then it started snowing and so driving was out of the question. We live in south Florida and we were just scared. Kelli would have done it, but I was nervous for her. What if we started sliding down the slope? Anyway, I just weathered it out. I’m not on chemo anymore so where could this be coming from??
    Do you think my main bile duct could be starting to close up? I’m not yellow or anything. Guess I’ll just call Dr Javale and fly to Texas for him to ck me out – maybe I need a stent or something. But I want to get my vacation in first! Thank you all for helping Kelli. I so appreciate it. Hugs and Love! Vicki


    Kelli, et al

    The meds under the tongue idea was from our own Kris V, who gave me the idea when I was having queasiness from chemo …and it gave faster relief that way. I give all credit to her…it helped me through quite a few circumstances when I wasn’t able to drink anything to wash down a pill.

    It’s good to hear that Vickie is doing bretter today….but watch very carefully. If this happens again, go to the ER and get her checked out no matter how much she protests. And, get the doctor to prescribe a suppository for nausea, just in case. My onc prescribed one to “keep around” just in case I would need it…and wouldn’t have to wait for phone calls or unneeded office visit wait time and a trip to the pharmacy under less than ideal circumstances. I never used it….and it’s still sitting in my “stash”, but it felt good to know it was there for a backup,.

    Here’s hoping you can continue your vacation in the mountains……without further interruptions.
    Hi Vickie!!!! Big hugs!

    Julie T.


    Kelli….glad to hear that things are a bit better. If indeed this episode is related to disease progression (vomiting recurs) then your Mom will have to be seen by a physician. Please keep us posted.


    Hi Kelli,

    I so agree with what the others have said to you about getting your mum to the nearest hospital if you can. I am very happy to hear that she is doing better but if it was me then I would still want to get her to the hospital if you can. What Julie has said to you re the anti nausea tablet under the tongue is very good and that was what my dad had to do. He tried all manner of anti nausea meds to deal with the vomitting but they were not able to work as he kept being sick before they would work.

    Some of the anti nausea meds are designed to be taken that way anyway and I so hope that she gets some relief from that. Please let us know how everything goes. We are all here for you and your mum.

    My best to you and your mum,



    Dear Kelli-

    So glad that your Mom is doing better. Thank you for letting us know and I hope the rest of your visit goes well.

    Take care,



    Thank you both. It seemed to run its course not too long after the initial post. She is able to keep water down now by eating ice chips. Hydration is a priority. I will keep in mind the under the tongue solution if happens again, that sounds like a great idea.
    I’m sure mom will be reaching out to y’all later on today or tomorrow herself.



    Hi….Julie here…your mom and I have been emailing privately off and on.

    If you haven’t taken her to a hospital yet….and if the dry heaving hasn’t abated,…….have her put one of the anti-nausea pills (I’m hoping she did get some …Atavan?)….and have her put it under her tongue to dissolve there….so it can get into her system faster and before hitting the stomach so much. One of the other members on the boards gave that hint to me when I was having a lot of nausea and could get to water always to take a pill.

    That’s only a temporary solution (if she has the pills and IF they work for this). I agree with Marion….that your mom should get to a hospital to be checked out. I realize you’re in a remote area….but there should be somewhere the locals go. If nothing else…call 911 or the sheriff’s office and get their advice on where to go and possibly their help in getting there.

    This could be nothing more than the totally unglamourous “stomach flu” or something related to the CC. At the very least, they can give her a suppository for nausea to try to control it or possibly IV medication to keep her hydrated as well, while they assess the situation and observe her.

    Give your mom my love love and tell her I’m thinking of her and sending prayers.
    Julie T.


    Kellie… best advice it to take your Mom to the nearest hospital. The symptoms you are describing may very well be related to her disease. Please keep us posted.
    Big hugs to dear Vicky,


    My name is Kelli and I am posting on my moms request. We are currently visiting a fairly remote mountainous region of Georgia and mom has taken ill.
    If there is anyone online that can give ideas I would appreciate it.

    What can we do about a severe bout of vomiting that’s been happening to her the past three to four hours.
    It is now more dry heaves and a clear fluid coming up, so we don’t think it is bile, but not really sure what to do at the moment.
    Is this nausea/vomiting a part of the progression? She tried to take oral medications to get relief, but can’t keep it down. Any suggestions or input would help us greatly.

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