Video of Love

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance Video of Love

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  • #69559

    OMGOODNESS! This WAS TOTALLY AWESOME AND amazing. First of all what a good looking son. Then the one thing I noticed was that there was not one frame where he was not smiling or laughing! Bittersweet but lovely to get to see him and his attitude. The video was so well done and I thank you so very much for sharing this with us. And yes, I could feel the love and the happiness.


    I need to post this in remembrance and fundraising. When my son was diagnosed with CC he had two wishes. 1 Move home and spend his time with family and friends. 2 buy an old Willys Truck, like he had in high school, and renovate it. Well he did both. And what he couldn’t finish this wonderful community we have did……he passed eight days after it was completed. We plan on using the Willys as exhibition at car shows, running the video and posting his CC story. We will be using it to request donations for this CC Foundation in his name.
    My daughter-in-law made the video, and did the most fantastic job. I would like to share it with all of you. If you go to You Tube and search Kendram250 it will take you to a 1953 Willys. You can feel the love and happiness!

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