Virtual Hill Day: Urge Congress to work together to fund the NIH and N

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    Virtual Hill Day: Urge Congress to work together to fund the NIH and NCI.

    Support Federal Funding for Cancer Research!

    Today, nearly 300 advocates are on Capitol Hill for the Rally for Medical Research Hill Day. As a proud supporter of this initiative, ASCO is calling on Congress to work together to fund research at the NIH and NCI. Make your voice heard and join us virtually– send a message to your lawmaker today!


    ASCO is joining with the biomedical research community this Fall to push Congress to provide robust funding for the NIH and NCI in fiscal year 2016 before the current budget expires at the end of this month.


    Both the House and Senate passed Labor, Health, and Human Services Appropriations bills out of Committee, but right now Congress is unlikely to move on either.
    The most likely path forward is a continuing resolution (CR) that will fund the NIH and NCI at current levels.
    This is unacceptable and only exacerbates the problem of nearly a decade of stagnant funding.

    Tell Congress to Fund the NIH and NCI.

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