Visit site all the time, but never have introduced myself

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Visit site all the time, but never have introduced myself

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    Welcome & thanks for introducing yourself. You will find everyone here to be very helpful & supportive. This is the best group of people in the world as far as I am concerned. I too am sorry that your father has gotten to the point in this journey that many of us have already traveled with our loved ones, but I am happy & you can be grateful for the time he has already been given while fighting this awful, unpredictable disease. Kris, thanks for your venting as it is just how I am feeling & now will not have to repeat :)! I am also smiling through my tears. That truely does say it all. I will keep you & your family in my thoughts & prayers.

    Take Care,


    I am so glad you have finally gotten around to introducing yourself. I love the fact that the site is such a wonderful resource and people can get all the information and ideas just by reading, but for the true support this warm, caring, informative and well meaning but odd little family has to offer, it is best to post.

    I am sorry for your father, but so glad he toleraded the treatments for so long. I am about to just blow a gasket so forgive me for a minute…..I am so ANNOYED, FRUSTRATED that doctors treat this cancer like pancreatic cancer. Uhm, they are not having great success with either so perhaps everyone needs to put on a new thinking cap and get thinking because these two cancers and their patients and families deserve better. Your father deserves better, I do, we all do. …..ok I feel a little better now. :) I do tend to get a little fiery when I am tired.

    Anyway, welcome again and I will keep your family in my thoughts.




    Smiles through tears…….that says it all about how we cope with this monster of a disease!

    My Mom has cc and is 77. She was diagnosed in May and is still with us. So far she has made it to see the birth of her second greatgrandchild and the wedding of my youngest and her only granddaughter. I thank God for each and every day we have her. I think my son said it best and I use his words in my “signature” on how to cope.

    Know that you and your Daddy are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Take care and lots of hugs coming at you and your family!



    Hello all! I feel as if I know all of you already! I have visited this site since 10/07, but have never introduced myself. My dad was diagnosed with CC 8/07. He had the Klatskin Tumor removed, 65% of his liver, in 10/07 by Dr. Alan Hemming at Shands in Gainesville, FL. After removal of the tumor, there were no clean margins in any of the areas his bile duct connected to. He went through 6 weeks of radiation and 6 months of chemo, with chemo ending 6/08. Daddy tolerated the radiation and chemo fairly well for a 72 year old – with just naseau, fatigue and a little loss of appetite. His quality of life was really better than we expected. In 10/08 we hit the 1 year mark, which Dr. Hemming had explained 85% of the nasty CC will return within the first year. His new liver growth was clean and the other areas had not grown!!! CELEBRATE for sure! Then we got the BUT. But there are 3 spots on his lungs – let’s look further into that. After a more in depth scan of both of his lungs in late Oct., we find the nasty tumor has now attached itself to both of his lungs as “tiny nodules” Which as I research, I find this is where it loves to go next!

    Since November, my Daddy has went downhill so fast. Ascetis (spelling?) in his abdomen is a constant challenge. He has had 2 TAPs, both have relieved 11 and 9.5 liters! He has gone from a strong man of 6′, 220 pounds to 176 pounds in just 2 1/2 months. This cancer works so quickly when it sets it’s mind to it. Yesterday, we met with Hospice for home care to help out with monitoring him between visits. He is bed ridden, but able to go the restroom on his own.

    We have another CT scan Jan 15 – but his oncologist has explained – they just don’t know how to treat this cancer, so they treat it like pacreatic cancer. Those seemed to work on my dad for a while, but now the cancer decides to pop up again. The doctor continued to explain, we could look at other treatment options, but it is a vicious cycle and I know that. I know my Daddy has lived longer than most with this killer and he is tired. I just want him to be comfortable and not in pain. I have researched and spoke with other doctors and in my Daddy’s situation, I feel the route we have taken was the best. A family friend found out the same time as my daddy she had CC and passed within 3 months – Dr. Hemming was also her dr – so I know we have been lucky.

    As I read over this, I have rambled on and on!!! Thank you for reading my post and thank you for all of your posts! I have come to this site again and again for answers or suggestions!!! It has DEFINATELY been a comfort to me over the last 18 months.

    I will keep you posted about my Daddy and all of you in my prayers. God Bless each of you as we deal with this monster.

    Smiles through tears,

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