Volunteer conferences attendance for those interested in donating time

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  • #68127

    Thanks Lisa. This is a compliment coming from an amazing person like you.


    I will look at the dates…you guys are amazing !


    Thank you for your interest in volunteering for The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation. With your help we are assured to enjoy another productive year in the fight against this disease.

    You will have the opportunity to contribute your talents (big or small) in numerous ways; just know that every hour or day you provide is highly appreciated by us. Know that we are a group of caring people, connected by the common goal of wanting to make a difference in the life of those touched by the disease of Cholangiocarcinoma.

    The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation has presence at most major medical conferences throughout the US. The majority of conferences are held in metropolitan cities on the East Coast. It is our goal to staff these conferences with volunteers living nearby. Ultimately that will happen however, for the time being some travelling may have to be incorporated.

    The most prevalent cities are:
    Washington DC,
    Fort Lauderdale,
    San Francisco

    Conference times and days vary however, most start at midweek and generally include a Friday – Saturday with a possible Sunday. Some of you may be able to attend the entire conference whereas others may only be able to donate a portion of a day or days. All is fine, all is appreciated.

    Please, be assured that all cost occurred will be absorbed by The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation; this includes travel by train, car, and taxi, Hotel, and food expenses.

    Conference halls range from as large as McCormick Hall, Chicago for ASCO (thirty to forty thousand researchers, physicians and others) to ASTRO or Surgical Society of Clinical Oncology or GI ASCO (ten thousand people or less.)

    The assigned booth for The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation always is located in the area designated to advocacy groups. Here you will have the opportunity to mingle with advocates from numerous, other organizations, share information, and make personal and business connections.

    Some of you have expressed concern regarding lack of knowledge pertaining to the disease of Cholangiocarcinoma and are concerned about having to engage with physicians and researchers. Please be assured that you won’t encounter any problems. The role and function of the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation will be displayed via the I-Pad and specific questions can be directed via e-mail or personal phone call to one of our board members. Additionally, business cards of either Marion Schwartz (Director of Advocacy) or Stacie Lindsey (President of the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation) will be on display, as there will be “seasoned” advocate present at all times.

    You may also take advantage of attending one of the various seminars and lectures presented at the specific conference. Some may be a bit sophisticated and unfamiliar to the lay person whereas other session will help you gain a better understanding of this disease. But I can guarantee you that you will have fun, that you meet many people, and that you will come away with a new found experience.

    Within the next few days I will be forwarding a schedule of upcoming conferences for the year of 2013.

    Don’t forget that I am always available for questions. Simply e-mail me at marion.schwartz@cholangiocarcinoma.org.

    Any suggestions, input, or experience you would like to share with me please, do not hesitate to pass it on. I am always ready to learn from you.

    Again, thank you again for your generosity and your willingness to work with us.

    Hugs to all,

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