Waiting for phone call …………………

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    Yes it definately makes all the difference having time spent when she is feeling good.
    She is doing so much trying to get housework done, i feel as though she is maybe doing too much, as i feel she needs to keep her strength for fighting this horrible disease. But always being one to be on the go there is no telling her!!! She does seem to be happy going about normal, and as long as she isn’t having too much pain i need to let her make these decisions. It is just so hard to take it in. Cant believe that only afew weeks ago we expected mum to have gall stones removed and all would be fine after that, how wrong can you be…………………..

    Anyway, i am sure you are all going through tough times too, so no point in moaning on and on. We need to be positive, we are much bigger than this XXXXXXX tumour, surely we need to able to attack it as much as it attacks us………..here’s hoping!!!!!!!

    Be positive everyone, if only for your own sanity. :rolleyes:




    Hi Chelle,

    They discussed my Dads case when he was in hospital so he didn’t wait long, think it was the next day BUT when he had bowel cancer and wasn’t in hospital like Jemima said, he was given an appointment to see the consultant a week later.

    Glad your Mom isn’t in no pain and you’ve been able to spend time with her at home.

    Good luck and best wishes



    Hi Chelle

    I don;t know what happens where you are but I know that Mum had her case reviewed last week and she now has an appointment to go in and see them next Friday. Not sure why they have to leave it so long but there we go….
    I am glad that you and your mum have had a good week. It makes all the difference I find in being able to cope.

    best wishes



    Hi all. Today my mum is waiting for the phone call to ultimately tell her the findings.

    The consultants were meeting yesterday to discuss the case and decide where to go from there. What usually happens, do they call her into have meeting, or will she need to be admitted to hospital.

    We have had a lovely week having mum at home. She has been getting everything in order, got her house gleaming. It has kept her happy, and the fact she is not in excruciating pain is keeping her positive.




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