Waiting game

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    daylemom…..Being the rock of the family is difficult under any circumstances however, it is even more so at your young age. You don’t have to thank anyone for “venting” because, all of us are way too familiar with the stress associated with this disease.
    I wish for you to stay strong and for your Dad to be undergoing his long awaited liver transplant, as soon as possible.
    Tons of hugs coming your way,


    You have come to the right place to vent all you want. We all need to do that now and again and we all understand what you are feeling & going through and are here to listen. Right now all you can do is what you are doing. keep on being realistically hopeful. Nothing about this horrid disease is easy, so all you can do is the best that you can under the circumstances that present themselves. I will be hoping for a positive outcome for your Dad. Take care & know that my thoughts & prayers are with you & your family.



    I try to be positive but right now I absolutely hate this waiting game. My dad is still waiting for a liver and we know he is right at the top of the list. He has been holding out strong until just this weekend when he had to be readmitted to the hospital. He keeps getting dehydrated and so needs more fluids. They redid his stent on Friday and he is still having a hard time. They are keeping him because his kidneys are starting to fail as well. The liver we know is failing (his bilirubin won’t come down and is currently around 30-32).

    I am trying to be the “rock” of the family as I am the oldest (I am 31) of 5 kids (youngest is 17). There are also 6 grandkids (oldest is 6). This weekend though I am falling apart. Every time someone asks how my dad is I break down in tears.

    He needs a liver so bad and I hate the helpless feeling of only being able to hope and pray that one comes soon. He is only 54 and has so much to live for…I am so thankful though for all the doctors who have tried to help him be comfortable and get through this…I know they are still hopeful but realistic.

    Thanks for letting me vent…I need it :)

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